Niall sick- for sarahtheweirdo

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I was probably the worst liar on the planet, in the universe, and everybody knew it. I stammered, I went red, and my pupils dilated to the size of spoons. Which is why I didn't understand why the lads thought I was lying to them about this pounding headache. They knew all my tells and I didn't have any of them, I wasn't lying!

"Niall, it's just a signing. We're not even doing anything huge today. You didn't even choice a worthwhile day to fake sick," Louis shook his head from side to side, disappointed.
"Louis. . ." I grumbled, frustrated. "My head hurts. I'm not faking."

"This is stupid. We have to go or were going to be late," Liam huffed from the doorway. I glared at him over the top of my pile of pillows. Even narrowing my eyes hurt.
Harry looked down at his phone, "Liam right. Can you just get up Niall?"

"I'll call management myself, tell them I'm not going. Go without me." I sniffled and buried myself deep under the mountain of blankets I'd collected. It was marginally nicer for my head in the dark without all the bright lights and loud voices.
Suddenly my safe house was torn away and I croaked in shock at the sudden whoosh of cold air that instantly clung at my skin.
"They're not going to let you out of it because of a fake headache Nialler. Let's go." Liam yanked on my leg until I was hanging over the side of the bed. He took me by the shoulder and stood me up as of a was some kind of human sized doll so that I really had no choice in standing, or I was going to hit the floor.
My head spun and I didn't like the feeling at all. I grabbed onto Liam's arm and didn't let go. Before in bed I'd felt bad but up for arguing, now on my feet I felt far worse and hardly up to even talking. It only took me a moment to decide that this wasn't a headache, it was a friggin migraine and still my idiot friends thought I was lying to them.

"Get changed, we'll meet you in the car," Liam said, tearing out of my hold and leaving me to blink away the spots in my vision and sway in my place like I was on a boat.
My room became empty quickly and soon I was all alone.

"For fucks sake. . ." I grumbled to myself as I slowly levered my sweaty shirt over my head and carelessly tossed it into the floor to replace with a fresh one. There wasn't even any point in calling management like I said I would. The lads would probably get cranky over it and tell everyone I was fine anyway.
"Stupid Liam, stupid migraine," I huffed, kicking my discarded shirt across the room. Standing on one leg made me stumble but luckily caught myself on the bed frame before I really fell down.

I sat down heavily beside my bag and dug through it to find a fresh change of clothes, my head clenching and pulsating the entirety of my search.
"Aren't you done already? We've been waiting five minutes!" Louis said from behind me. I groaned and stood up, only just finished with my socks, "I'm trying Louis."
He rolled his eyes and tugged me out of the room, "I don't care if you're tired of whatever, we can't just be late for this signing."

Like standing had, the sudden movement had me reeling. I cried out as my head pulsed painfully hard and lights flickered all around dizzily. Tears sprang to my eyes and Louis was less than impressed at the tight and desperate hold I had on his shoulder.
"Are you seriously crying?" Louis whispered unsurely, peering at me with his face all screwed up. My vision was blurred with tears and spotty with lightheadedness but I could tell that I'd probably just made it worse.

"Dude, Liam's gonna be so pissed when I tell him you tried the crying card." He smirked and patted the hand of mine that was sitting on his shoulder patronisingly.
I swallowed and whacked his hand away with as much strength as I could muster. I didn't even say anything, I just stormed off and hoped that I wouldn't pass out or fall over on my way. That might ruin the effect.

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