Niall sick- for onedirectionsickfics

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It was so dark Niall couldn't tell whether his eyes were opened or closed unless he blinked. There was no light at all coming in from between the cracks in the curtains and no shadows to stare at.

As quietly as possible he shifted onto his other side, weary of the hand you had draped over top of him as you slept soundlessly.

Niall hiccuped for what had to be the five hundredth time that night, muffling it as best as he could into his pillow. He winced and pressed his fist against the burning sensation racing through his chest. It spiked every time he hiccuped an took a few moments to fade away again afterwards.

His acid reflux hadn't been an issue for a few months. Most of the time you were there to stop him from eating or drinking anything you knew would make him feel unwell and you'd tried your best to talk him out of having a drink after work that afternoon. Niall thought he'd be okay and later on when he still felt completely fine he gleefully decided to have a spicy burrito for dinner. You tried changing his mind, not only because he might get heart burn from it but because you shared a bed and did not want to sleep in a smelly room.

But Niall wouldn't listen. He was okay after drinking, so he'd probably be fine after having something hot for once.

Now he was massively regretting making all the stupid decisions you'd advised him against because he most definitely was not fine now. His stomach felt hot and nervous inside him and the burn was spreading far up into his chest. He'd been trying for two hours now to fall asleep but he kept getting queasy and it was nearly impossible for him to drift off when his body was telling him he was going to throw up. He knew it wasn't likely he actually would, it had never happened before, but the nauseous feeling wouldn't let his heart slow down enough for him to sleep.

He hiccuped again and followed through with a low burp that brought a scorching feeling sizzling up his esophagus and sent his taste buds into a frenzy. The taste sent another wave of nausea barrelling over his head. With a soft whimper he slowly sat up, one hand on his chest. Sitting upright usually helped some but after waiting some he still wasn't feeling well enough to lay back down so instead he moved the blankets off his legs and got out of bed, careful as he shifted his weight onto his feet. His pressure made quiet sounds on the carpet as he tip-toed out of the room and his ears were keen, listening out to make sure he didn't wake you up.

Honestly, he'd love it if you were awake. That way you could make him feel better like you always did. However, this time you'd already fallen into a deep sleep and Niall knew that it wouldn't be fair to wake you after he'd gone against everything you'd said earlier. He didn't deserve your help, and you didn't deserve to be woken in the middle of the night.

He padded down the hallway and once he had a few closed door between him and you turned the kitchen light on. The brightness of it made him hiss and hide his eyes behind his palms. He spat into the sink and washed it away, wincing at the noisy water rushing through the pipes.

Even his throat felt raw now. He'd really done it this time.

He filled up a glass of water and leaned up against the pantry as he began to sip at glass. The cool liquid felt good as it traveled through his middle but it seemed his stomach was too tossed up for it to sit comfortably and it was a struggle finishing the glass. Also, his eyes kept drooping shut and a few times his head even dropped forward and he jolted awake, choking on the water he'd literally fallen asleep mid-drinking.

He almost couldn't believe you hadn't woken up and come out to see what all the commotion was yet. He was make a ruckus, spluttering water everywhere, but still not a sound could be heard from up the hall.

Giving up on trying to drink anything Niall poured the rest down the drain and headed back to bed. If he could fall asleep on his feet surely he could fall asleep in bed now.

One Direction SickficsOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora