Harry's kid sick- for larrybeiberdreams

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"What the hell?... Haz..."

I paused and smiled guiltily at my waking wife, "shhh, I'm sorry Babe. Go back to sleep."

"Where are you going?" she slurred, shoving her face into her pillow. Slowly the duvet crawled across my empty side of the bed to cocoon around her. I smiled fondly as I replied, "just taking Mara down to the beach, the time zones still haven't settled with her and she's rearing to go."

"Take photos for me..." Lila grumbled. I made a sound of confirmation and the tucked my phone into my pocket, "we'll be back soon."
Lila had already fallen back to sleep so I didn't get a response other than a cute nose crinkle.

"Ready Daddy?" Mara whispered. Poking her head into the room. She was wearing the pair of sunglasses we'd bought her yesterday along with her favourite pair of red sandals and a dress in a similar colour. Lila had thought letting her dress herself was going to be a bad idea but personally I thought she did a pretty good job most of the time.
"Did you ask Jack if he wanted to come?" I asked her as I bustled her out of the bedroom and closed the door quietly behind me, not wanting to disturb Lila.
Mara shrugged, "he told me to go away. I don't think he wants to come."
"He thinks he's too cool for the beach," I grinned as I slipped into my shoes and held my hand out for Mara to take, "alrighty then Mars Bar, let's go see the waves."

We ended up getting down their just in time to catch the end of the sunrise and just like Lila had asked I made sure to take heaps of photos of Mara skipping across the sand.
"Can we take these Dad?" She bounded over, arms overflowing with sandy shells of all sorts of shapes and sizes.
Amusedly I pinched one from the top of her carefully balanced stack, "what are you going to do with them all?"
"I don't know, but they're so pretty! Mum will like them too." In her excitement a few shells fell to the ground. She scuffed them into a little pile with her foot, "can you hold some for me please?"
"I can," I mused. With an exaggerated sigh of relief she dumped the entire load right on top of me, "thank you!" She chorused happily and with a broad, gappy, smile, she ran off.

On the way back we stopped at the corner shop and got a bag to put all the shells into. I wasn't sure how Lila was going to react, they were already beginning to smell a bit. I didn't have the heart to say anything to Mara though.
We walked all the way back to the hotel and made our way up the stairs to get to our room. Mara had grown tired of carrying her plastic bag of stinky seashells so instead they were slung over my shoulder. Inside the room I offloaded it into the sink and greeted my son who was spilled across the counter top, resting the side of his face on the graphite.
"Good morning," I ruffled his hair.
"Hey, where did you guys go?" He asked, although the tone he used made it sound a lot like he didn't really care.
Mara whacked his bare back with her fist lightly, "the beach, you know that! I came and asked you if you wanted to come!" She exclaimed.
Jackson rolled his eyes at detached her from himself lazily. He picked at the crust of the toast in front of him and looked to me, "today's movie world, isn't it?"
Mara squealed loudly at the reminder, causing Jackson to groan and bury his head in his arms again. He uttered something that was too quiet for me to pick up, although I had a feeling it was probably something he wouldn't have liked me to hear anyway. Tolerating Mara's loud personality could be a struggle but he usually lasted a few hours before beginning to crack, not minutes.
"Go see if Mum's up yet will you Mara?" I suggested, "I'll make you some toast."

"Okay, jam please Dad!" she bounced away. Endless supply of energy, I missed it.

"So what's going on Jack? Did you sleep alright?" I questioned curiously as I dropped some bread in the toast for Mara like I said I would. I made sure to turn the setting down, she liked her toast not a lot past warm bread much to my distaste. Hey, everyone for their own I suppose.

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