Liam sick part one and two- for larrybeiberdreams

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So that actual request was 'Liam fakes sick and then actually gets sick but the others don't believe him' but I had no idea how to word it so... Thanks to wattpad user Larrybeiberdreams  for the requests you've been sending in, I love them!

It all started with the realisation that I would do anything to get out of the concert tonight. I know, I know, it sounds horrible and I'm probably the worst band member in all of history but there's been a small headache lurking at the back of my skull all day and I know that the crowd and the music will set it into a full blown migraine. Then I'll be out of action for a good 24 hours which I can't exactly afford at the moment. It's either one concert or a whole day of scheduled interviews and meetings. Maybe I was being a bit dramatic but trust me, there was no way in hell I'm missing an entire day. I knew how it went, miss one day and you were totally out of the loop. 

Then I had to figure out just how I was going to get out of the concert. I couldn't just rock on up to management and declare that I have a headache and expect them to let me out of this. Louis had performed with full on food poisoning once and the small ache in my head didn't add up to anywhere near what Lou went through. It would be a hundred times worse if I performed tonight though. All those lights, the noise. . .I didn't even want to think about it.

The only way out I could think of was to really exaggerate the problem. Make my headache seem as if it was already in migraine territory. It meant lying to the lads, and I hated that, but if I didn't lie now I wouldn't be lying tomorrow when I couldn't even open my eyes.

We were on our way back to the hotel room now, strolling down the halls towards it. I figured I would lay it on thick earlier so that it was more believable later, I'd been a little mopey today anyway so it was just a little, well big, step further.

Harry leaped five feet into the air with a startled gasp as Niall purposely stepped on the back of his shoe, the joyous smirk on his face not leaving anything a secret. He burst out laughing as Harry whipped around to face him, trying to glare, but the playful sparkle in his eyes and the twitching at the corners of his lips gave him away.
"Whatcha gonna do about it Hazza?" Niall winked and pushed past me, rushing ahead while cackling maniacally. Harry shot off after him as I grabbed the wall to keep myself from falling over. Louis was watching the, with an amused smirk but he didn't chase after them.

I closed my eyes as if dizzy and pulled myself closer to wall, leaning my head against it and closing my eyes.
"You alright, Mate?" Louis asked, halting in his footsteps.
"Yeah, I think so. I'll be okay in a second," I replied quietly.

Louis placed a warm hand on my shoulder. "what's wrong?" 

"I'm just a little dizzy," I answered. My lips felt dry and my tongue might as well have been swollen to twice its size as I lied through my teeth. I had never been the best liar but I was gonna give it my best.
"That's not normal Payno," Louis muttered, laying an anchoring hand on my shoulder.
"It's just this headache, I'll live. Let's just- woah-"
I cut off as I teetered slightly, grabbing tightly onto Louis shoulder as if I was falling. It was a good touch.

"Geez Li. . ." Louis  gasped as he quickly snaked an arm under my shoulder and yanked me gently upright. "How about we get you back to the room and you can sleep it off before the concert? And we'll get some drugs into you too." 

He helped me all the way down the hall to our room where he put me down on the couch as if I was some delicate piece of china. I had never felt more guilty in my life, but also, it was working. So far, so good.

Niall and Harry were in the kitchen helping themselves to something to eat and they started asking questions the second we came in.
"What's up, Liam?" Niall asked through a mouthful of whatever they had found in the cupboards.
"He has a headache," Louis explained, "he almost fell over back there after you guys ran off."

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