Niall sick- for CSI_Miami

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I've got a seriously bad feeling about Tuesday's concert. For the past few week everything's been going superbly, minimal screw ups on mine and the rest of the lads parts as well as a clean sweep with audio and lighting. Our luck has to run out at some point and I'm terrified it'll be on the one night my family will be in the audience. What if the lights fall? What if I fall, like right off the side of the stage? Anything could happen, the bad luck has to have piled up pretty high by now. Earthquakes, hostage situations, fires, the list grew longer and longer. What if this, what if that, there were so many things that could go wrong.

I didn't notice the door creaking open and I didn't see Louis standing there either until he spoke up, half confused and half irritated, "I've been listening to you pace around for the past forty five minutes Ni. It's almost one a clock, what are you even doing apart from keeping me up?"

"Sorry, I just- I can't- I'm stressing-"
"Okay, slow down," Louis stopped me with a frown. He yawned as he sat down on my bed and patted the spot beside him. I let out a long breath and took a seat, unable to keep my hands still. They tugged at my shirt, tangled in my hair, and clenched over and over into tight fists.

"Now try again," Louis prompted, rubbing at his eyes. I felt bad for being the reason he couldn't sleep, we had a bit of a lengthy day tomorrow and it was going to be on me when he was struggling to keep his eyes open.

"The next concert," I blurted, "I'm really frickin nervous about it and I can't help it! My family's gonna be there Lou and I'm terrified that everything's going to go wrong."
Louis took a moment to reply. I figured it was probably because I'd spoken so fast and he needed a minute to translate the garbled mess of conjoined syllables.
"We all get nervous sometimes Ni, and I know it's not as easy as telling you the reasons why you shouldn't be, but we've done this a thousand times over. It's our job, I like to think we're pretty good at it. So what if shit goes wrong? The fans seem to enjoy it anyway."
"It's...different," I exhaled with a shake of my head, "my mum will be there."
"It's not like it's the first time that's ever happened Ni," Louis pointed out with a raised eyebrow. I knew what he was thinking, that I was being stupid. I probably was, but I truly couldn't stop the paranoid thoughts racing through my mind. I would in the snap of a finger if I could.
"I know," I said simply. Then I sighed, "I'll stop pacing around, you can go back to bed."

I needed to try sleep again, and Louis did too. I wouldn't be able to function tomorrow if I didn't. It had already been a pretty crappy few nights sleep wise and I would be lying if I said I wasn't feeling the effects. I couldn't afford to be groggy and absent.
Louis cracked a tired smile and got back to his feet, stretching his arms up towards the ceiling with another wide yawn, "alrighty Mate. Honestly, try not to stress. Distract yourself with something else or something because there's a ninety nine percent chance that this upcoming concert is going to go great."

I nodded as he shuffled out into the hallway. He shot me another smile before closing the door quietly.

As I turned off the light and got into bed only one thing was repetitively flashing through my mind, what about the other one percent?


Monday night felt like the exact opposite of Christmas Eve. I had that same buzzing of anticipation flooding through me but it wasn't at all pleasant or full of holiday spirit. Rather than being excited and unable to wait for morning I was dreading it and wishing with all my heart that it just never come.
I felt like total hell, laying in bed staring at the ceiling as the seconds ticked by like decades. The nerves were regular in the beginning when I was fully rested but now after at least six nights of three or less hours of sleep they were charging on at a much heightened level that I could hardly bear. Days went by in a flash so quick that I could blink and miss the entire thing while the nights dragged on seemingly endlessly.
The stupidest part of all was that I knew how unreasonable I was being, I knew that the concert would most likely pass just like any other concert did but my brain just wouldn't let go of that tiny slither of doubt and it was killing me.

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