Something. . .parts one and two

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I don't even know how to title this to be honest, but it is a story, promise :)

Hope you enjoy it!


I blinked once and closed my eyes with a grunt, I'd really been hoping that I would be able to sleep through the night. God knows I needed it. I hadn't been feeling that great yesterday, a cold of some sort was settling in and I figured I would be able to sleep it off. I sniffled wetly and groaned to myself in the darkness, apparently not.

My stomach began to churn when I rolled over, making me feel like I was about to puke. I ran a hand over the bare skin in my med section and my fingers tightened when another ripple of pain shot through me. My teeth gritted I closed my eyes and tried to fall back asleep, already with the feeling that it was useless. My nose was clogged, my throat aching and my stomach was killing me now, there was no way I was going to be able to get back to sleep.

I took a breath and slowly sat up as the heat closed in around me.It was suffocating. The ground was freezing beneath my feet when I clambered out of my bunk. My gut began protesting instantly and I cringed as it rolled around. Maybe a drink would help.

I headed out to the kitchenette and filled myself a glass of water from the tap before taking a gentle sip. It felt amazing on my throat so I proceeded to drink the rest of the glass, ignoring how my stomach felt about it. The digital clock on the wall was the only source of light and I found myself staring at it listlessly.

 The numbers read 4:28. The dark and the silence made it feel earlier.

The heat drew closer and my mouth started to water as my stomach whirled under my hand. I swallowed, trying to get rid of the lump in my throat. I was breathing heavily now, not wanting to throw up. 

My stomach lurched and I slapped a hand over my mouth, my sights already set on the bathroom.

I staggered closer as the contents of my stomach tried to barrel their way up again, the force making my nose drip and my eyes water. I threw open the door and fell in front of the toilet, my knees colliding harshly with the ground. My body heaved forward and I promptly threw up, everything I'd eaten in the past twenty hours hitting the water with a splash. It happened over and over again, round after round of vomit barreled up my throat and into the toilet and soon I was sobbing quietly too. 

My throat was on fire now and my vision was swimming. My nose was dripping down my face but I didn't even bother wiping it as I gasped, trying to get my breath back. Just when I thought it was over I had a sneezing fit and my stomach heaved again, sending another lot of foul, half digested food into the bowl.

After a while it was just stomach acid but I couldn't stop, I couldn't calm myself down no matter how hard I tried. I wished one of the lads was here to help but they were all exhausted from the whole touring thing, obviously more so than I thought because I never thought they'd be able to sleep through the ruckus I was making.

I closed my eyes and inhaled deeply, successfully swallowing the lot of left over puke in my mouth. I coughed and hacked painfully until I'd gotten in up and then breathed frantically, unable to slow it down.

I wiped my eyes and dragged myself over to the sink so that I could wash the rancid taste out of my mouth. My reflection looked like it had been ran over by an eighteen wheeler and then been encased in a block of ice for two hundred years. Well, until it clouded over completely and I had to close my eyes so that the dizziness wouldn't completely take over.

I filled my mouth with water, feeling the nausea return with vengeance. Thankfully nothing happened, probably because I had nothing left to throw up. I spat the water into the sink and started back towards the bunks, ready to curl up and go to sleep forever.

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