Harry cold

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I woke up feeling like I was drowning. My nose was clogged horribly to the point where I couldn't even inhale but it was still somehow dripping from my nostrils and down the back of my throat, creating the drowning feeling. And it was so fucking cold, I was shivering hard. There was an uncomfortable pressure in my head and I groaned in irritation. I couldn't be sick today, we had interviews all day and a concert tonight that I couldn't afford to miss.

Liam was still snoring quietly so it wasn't even seven AM yet. Everything in the hotel was still dark and everyone was still asleep unsurprisingly. I rolled over with a grunt, a sudden tickle at the back of my throat causing a violent sneeze to erupt from my mouth before I even had a chance to register what was happening. Somebody groaned, probably Louis, he's the light sleeper out of us.

An hour later when someone started to get up I was still lying awake feeling like utter shit.

"Guys, it's get up time," Liam whispered the first time like he always did. The second time was more of a warning and the third, well if we weren't up and running by the third Liam would have our heads.

The other lads began stumbling around, muttering incoherently and I followed suit, as I had said earlier, I couldn't afford to miss this despite how bad I felt. Plus I had felt worse before so I could get through this. Easy peasy.

I gently forced myself onto my feet, surprised by how heavy I felt, it was a weird feeling, I felt like I was going to fall through the floor. I wiped a hand across my dripping nose and blinked slowly, struggling to get my shit together.

"When's the first interview?" Niall asked as he pulled a shirt over his head.

"10:45," Liam replied automatically. I was a little envious by the way he could just wake up and get moving while the rest of us looked like hungover apes. A itchy sensation began at the bridge of my nose and I stopped still, my face twitching as my eyes began to water.

"You look like you're pissing yourself Hazza," Louis pointed out just as the sneeze escaped with a ferocity that I had never felt before. About four more sneezes followed and I turned away, my face tucked down into my elbow.

"Well, that was. . .are you sick or something?" Niall looked a little taken back. I sniffed, the sneezing seemed to have loosened things up a bit.

"Just a little cold I think, I'll be fine."
It was my turn to be shocked now. I sounded like I had been swallowing nails and it hurt a surprising amount just to stutter a single sentence. Plus the congestion made my words barely recognisable. It ended with a spluttering wet cough that made my throat burn even more.

"That didn't sound like a little cold Harry." Niall stared me down, a worried look on his face.

"Just morning voice, I'll be fine." I gulped as my voice cracked horribly. My head was beginning to thud as I let loose another small sneeze. Niall stared for a moment later before nodding and going back to getting ready.

I chewed the food in my mouth slowly, not looking forward to swallowing as we all sat around the breakfast table. The lads were joking around as always and food was already being tossed around, nobody really noticed my lack in enthusiasm. I wiped my nose hurriedly with some of the toilet paper I had gathered in the pocket of my hoodie and finally swallowed with a wince as the toasted bread slid down my raw throat. I was so tired and the day hadn't even begun yet, I just wanted to lie down, preferably under all the blankets in the freaking world because I have never been as cold as I was right then, and go to sleep. I couldn't though, too much was going on today.

We managed to get out of the hotel around ten and then we all loaded into the van. I snuggled into the corner instantly, my hands curled into my sleeves. This stupid little cold was getting a little hard to handle at this point, my head was hurting, the sneezes seemed to be a constant thing now, my poor throat was burning and I was so blocked up it wasn't funny. I could blow my nose all I liked but it didn't seem to be getting me anywhere and so far the panadol I had taken wasn't doing anything. I groaned quietly, wondering why it had to be me.

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