Harry sick- for TaylorSwift15

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Someone was moaning.
Like, loudly.

I grunted and rolled over, hoping that whoever it was would get the idea and stuff it back in his pants before he woke everyone else up. We were supposed to be on the road all day today, there was no reason to be up early and I wasn't planning on stepping a foot out of bed before I got hungry.

I opened my eyes and flipped onto my back, staring at the ceiling as the moaning continued.
"Quit it" I whisper yelled, whacking on the wood above me.
Still it wasn't stopping. Now that I was listening closer though, it didn't really sound like that kind of moaning. I frowned thoughtfully, swearing that I'd just heard a whimper.

I knocked on the ceiling again, more gently this time, "Oi Haz, that you?"
A low groan was all I got in response, along with the rustling sound of someone moving about in their bed.
I sighed. I was going to have to break my no getting up rule.

I quietly opened the curtains and tossed my duvet into the corner of my bunk, swinging my legs around until my feet hit the floor. Across from me Niall and Liam's curtains were still yanked closed and both of them were dead silent.

It was just beginning to get brighter, the sun creeping up further in the sky and I estimated that it was probably some time around seven. Too bloody early to be up.
I grunted as I got to my feet and pulled open Harry's curtain. The sunlight immediately hit him in the face and his eyes popped open, his body quick to draw away back into the shadows.

"What are you doing...?" He murmured sleepily, trying again to reopen his eyes. His hair was a total mess, which wasn't a surprise considering all the tossing about I'd heard him doing on a minute or so before.

"You were making noises in your sleep or something like that" I explained, narrowing my eyes a bit so that he understood that I was not impressed. Maybe it would've been funny if it wasn't so early in the morning.
Harry opened his mouth to say something but then his lips suddenly locked shut and he swallowed visibly. He squirmed a little in his knotted duvet and his hands started fidgeting, twisting themselves in the sheets and trying to fight their way up to his face.

Maybe he was embarrassed.

"Was it a nightmare? Everyone has bad dreams sometimes H" I tell him, hoping that it would be enough to calm him down a little. I didn't talk like that a lot of the time, the special tone I owned without a trace of sarcasm or playfulness, but even though Harry wasn't a kid anymore he was still the youngest of us all and when it did slip out it tended to be around him.

I was waiting for a reply when suddenly his body heaved forward and his hands rushed to his mouth. I was quick to aid him in getting down from his bunk as he scampered frantically out of bed and rushed the few steps to the bathroom, falling down onto his knees in front of the loo.
I was about to follow him in when he kicked out his leg, successfully slamming the door in my face.
"'M fine Lou, go back to bed" he ordered in a strained, half controlled voice that had me nowhere near convinced that he was as 'fine' as he said he was.
"Are you sure Harry? I don't mind staying with you" I offer, leaning against the closed door.
"I said I'm fine."
Came the choked reply from inside the bathroom. My face twitched and I bit down on my lip. If I really wanted to get in there I easily could, the door locks on its own but it's easy enough to pick with a pair of scissors. I have to stop myself though, because Harry obviously doesn't want my help.
I scuffed my sock on the ground and reluctantly headed back to my bunk, somewhere in the back of my mind knowing full well that I wasn't going to be getting any more sleep.

I messed around a bit on my phone for an hour or so before I heard someone else get up and pad into the kitchen. Harry hadn't returned to the bunks still which meant he was either still in the bathroom or he was out in the main room, pretending that he hadn't just filled the toilet with vomit. Neither thought was reassuring.

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