Niall's sick on Christmas- for onedirectionsickfics

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 Your friend Alyssa gestured at the cup in your hand that was beginning to draw close to empty, "do you want a refill?" 

You swirled the remaining alcohol around a bit as you shook your head, "nah, that's enough alcohol for me tonight I think."

"It's Christmas Eve!" Alyssa said, her green eyes lighten up and sparkling.

"Even more so the reason to call it quits, I'll be around the family tomorrow and they'll give me so much crap of I'm hungover," you laughed, downing what was left in one gulp and putting the empty cup down on the bench. Truthfully, most of the people coming over to your place tomorrow wouldn't even notice, but you knew Louis definitely would and he wouldn't let it go for even a second. 

Niall instantly latched onto your free hand, catching you by surprise. You looked to him questioningly but he just shrugged, tightening his grip on your hand in a way that was barely noticeable.

You didn't mind the gesture at all, hand-holding with Niall was definitely not something you were against, but added on to all the other strange behaviour Niall had been exhibiting tonight you were starting to get kind of concerned.

Usually at parties like this he was a complete social butterfly, the guy that everyone knew and could talk to for hours. He was quite literally the life of the party. He'd been a bit tired for the last few days, so you knew that you probably weren't going to see the usual amount of excitement but you didn't expect him to be as reserved and as clingy as he was.

He'd barely said a word since you'd arrive two hours ago just before dinner, unless of course someone spoke to him directly, and except for a short bathroom break he hadn't left your side. 

Again, you didn't mind, but it was just completely out of character for Niall.
He wasn't acting like his usual chirpy self at all.

"How about I get you a juice then? I can't have one of my guests feeling thirsty!"

 Alyssa smiled and opened up the fridge. It was her annual Christmas Eve party and as always it was packed. In a good way though, everybody knew everybody mostly and it was a nice atmosphere that smelt like perfume and Christmas. You definitely didn't miss high school parties.

"Thanks Lyssa, do you want one too Niall?"  you asked, pressed a soft kiss to his knuckles.
He paused for a second before nodding, "sure, thanks."

"Two juices, coming up!" Alyssa chirped cheerfully, the bell hot glued to her hat jingling.

After you and Niall were given your drinks Alyssa went off to show another guest where the bathroom was and you led Niall into the lounge to sit down. Luckily there was enough room for the both of you to squeeze onto one couch next to a couple named Barry and Lola. You didn't know them that well, but still smiled out of politeness as you sat down.

Niall tucked himself into the corner and you noticed that he was beginning to rub at his eyes with his knuckles.

"What's the matter, babe?" you asked quietly, almost whispering it into his ear. You needed a reason why he was acting so strange so that you could stop worrying. You knew he was tired, but even tired Niall wasn't usually like this. 

He shrugged again for what must've been the millionth time that night, "nothing." He took a single weary sip of his orange juice and then put the glass down on the side table beside him. 

Another weird thing to add to the list.
Normally, that juice would be gone within four seconds.

"You don't wanna go see Hank and Dave, and the rest of the guys?"

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