Niall and harry sick- for cadymn

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"I'm going to be sick," Harry blurted suddenly, his eyes wide and his hands gripping the edges of the couch tightly in anticipation. I winced and shrunk away slightly, not at all feeling up to dealing with vomit right now.

My stomach had been unsettled and sore for the most of yesterday and last night, meaning that I barely managed to get a wink of sleep. We had one of our rare days off today and I had woken up from a brief interval of restless sleep with a text from Louis telling me that we were all apparently hanging around at his place for the day. It was our day off and there was no way I was going to spend it moping around on my own so I didn't bother telling him about the predicament with my stomach and instead shot him a quick message back telling him that I would be there soon.

A nauseous feeling began to grow in my gut the minute I stood up but I brushed it off stupidly and got changed into some casual clothes before getting into the car and heading for Louis', so far successfully ignoring the painful protests my stomach was giving me.

Harry had come over in his PJ's with a duvet trailing behind him looking absolutely miserable and complaining about a fan getting him sick It was highly likely we'd been infected by the same person.

 Apparently he had tried getting out of today but Louis had told him to come over and we'd just have a quiet day. It was too late now to tell anyone that I probably felt just as bad.

Three hours of PlayStation later I had begun to regret the decision of coming over. The swirling and churning had only gotten stronger and as the minutes passed I got sweaty and sticky, random shivers shooting through my body as I struggled to appear relaxed.

Now I was sat on the edge of the couch, trying to breath through the powerful nausea that came with Harry's declaration.

"Seriously?" Liam paused the TV and turned to look at Harry. I turned to watch the scene once more, not wanting to appear as if I didn't care. All colour had drained from Harry's face and it was fairly obvious he was about to upchuck. Hopefully I wouldn't have to witness it.

Harry nodded, a loud gurgle sounding from his stomach.

"Can you make it to the bathroom?" Louis asked desperately, glancing at his white carpet awkwardly. Harry went to nod before shaking his head fervently. This is when I should've left to the kitchen or something, but I was frozen in my seat.

"Louis!" Liam shrieked and Louis ran off, returning moments later with a fluorescent green bucket. I would've asked why he'd chose fluoro green over everything else but I was to busy thinking about what was about to happen and how in the world I was going to be able to handle it. If I did end up puking, the lads would probably get made I hadn't told them earlier, or just think I had a weak stomach. I should've spoken up, but still I kept my mouth shut. The last thing I wanted was to throw up.

It would be nothing short of a miracle if I could get through this bug without throwing up but it was definitely worth the try and I wasn't going to give up on it just because I wanted to be looked after, no, I could manage this thing on my own.

Louis pretty much threw the bucket at Harry, it skidded to a stop between his trembling legs and he gagged heavily, shooting forwards involuntarily. Liam sat down beside him and put an assuring hand on his back as I struggled to hold down the granola bar I had grabbed on the way out the door this morning.

"T-this is horrid," Harry gasped out as a thin strand of saliva fell from his lips.

"We know, Haz," Liam replied quietly, grimacing as Harry's stomach gave in and he vomited harshly into the neon bucket, sucking in a ragged breath in before getting right back at it. I was so close to joining him, it hurt so much.

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