for shadow_dancer666

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"This is possibly the worst holiday ever planned," Harry complained, gazing boredly out the window. I grimaced as the snow continued to fall outside.

In the beginning it had all been fine. The snow had started but it was all in good fun, we spent the day outside messing around but as it grew colder and colder and we began to suspect Louis was becoming hypothermic, all the fun faded away.

We were stuck inside. If we hadn't known we were trapped it probably wouldn't have been quite as boring, but knowing that there was literally nowhere we could go without quite literally freezing our balls off just made being indoors ten times more frustrating.

And we were meant to be making the most of our month of. That was the whole point of this.

So far all we were doing was wasting the time away.

"Whose idea was this?" Niall murmured nasally.

And then there was that.

Him and Louis had both contracted the sniffles, most likely after yesterday's adventure out in the snow. It was a measly little cold, neither of them were complaining too much but when the room was silent and all I could hear was the both of them sniffling it just made the boredom even more unbearable.

"I didn't know!" Louis protested with a dry cough.

"Well it's up to you to make things more interesting around here then," Niall decided with a sigh, "if it's even possible."

Harry huffed, " I doubt it."

"Challenge accepted!" 

Louis grinned and I was slightly frightened by the look in his eye. He sneezed quietly into his elbow as he marched away determinedly. Louis' idea of interesting could be a lot different from what I had in mind and I knew that things were either about to get fun finally, or just plain scary.

"Do we have flour?" Niall asked randomly and I turned to give him a what-the-hell look, seeing Harry with an identical face out the corner of my eye. Niall just shot us an expectant look, "do we?"

"I think so," I replied.

"And chocolate chips?"

"I brought some in case we had pancakes." Harry nodded. "Why?"

"I feel like cookie dough." Niall cleared his throat and smiled, "I'm gonna go make some."

 I raised an eyebrow as I sat up from my slouched position, "surely that's not good for you."

"Surely you've done it before Payne, either that or you didn't have a childhood," Niall mocked me with a smirk.

I smiled, "fine. I'm helping."

"Can I mix?" Harry questioned with a hopeful look. I snorted.

So that's what we did for the next twenty minutes. We fucked up a few times and had to restart but afterwards we actually had decent cookie dough to snack on and I had to admit that the stuff was good. 

I couldn't get Louis off my mind though. Every now and then I'd hear a suspicious sound and jump in my seat. God knows what the guy was doing around here.

After all the dough was gone and the kitchen was semi tidy- not including the flour everywhere- I decided to go find Louis. Surely he was finished by now.

I ran up the stairs and into the hall.

His bedroom door was closed so I figured he'd be in there.

I opened the door, leaning on it until it hit the wall. Or almost did. Before I could get the handle against the wall an ear-splitting screech made me jump so high I almost hit my head on the door frame.

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