Niall sick

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"Nialler, oi wake up, there's muffins out there for breakfast and they taste like fucking heaven," I mumbled through a mouthful of the fluffy baking. Liam had said not to wake him up, that it meant more for us, but I was in a good mood today so I figured I'd let him know anyway.

He grunted and shuffled slightly but his eyelids didn't even twitch.

I laughed, "come on Niall, you know you want it!"

 It was almost eleven o' clock and he was still drooling in his sleep. Usually we all were, a day off was the only chance we really had to sleep in so normally we'd take full advantage of it but today for some reason I'd woken up at eight and gotten up, Harry and Liam had too not much later. Niall was the only one sticking to tradition.

"Piss off Lou, I would like to die here alone without your voice echoing through my skull if that's not too much to ask."

 He lazily threw a cushion in my direction and I chuckled as I moved out of it's path.

"You can't die on our day off, how inconvenient," I said.

 Niall was always pissy in the mornings, it made a good laugh. 

He let out a strange, dinosaur-like sound and kicked the covers down, shoving them until they fell off the edge of the bed and onto the floor and then tucked his limbs into his chest. He was wearing a dark long sleeve that made his hair look white and his skin pale, and a pair of sweats that were rolled up to his knees. He usually slept without a shirt, and a lot of the time without even pants either so it definitely was a little weird.

"Well done, the next step is to actually get up," I praised teasingly.

"Leave me alone Tomlinson, before I strangle you," he growled, his accent strong.

I winked, "fiesty." 

Apparently this wasn't the right reaction because Niall responded by opening a single blue eye and glaring at me as if he was planning my demise. He licked his lips and closed his eye again with a deep sniff. His nose whistled and his mouth dropped open and I realised what had him in such a grumpy mood.

"Is little Nialler feeling sick?" I cooed with a smirk. He was always really easily irritated when he was unwell.

"Shut up and get out or I'll shove your toothbrush up my arse," Niall threatened. Judging by the sad sight of him I doubted he'd be geting out of bed any time soon so I wasn't fazed. 

 I shrugged and smiled, "that sounds like it would be uncomfortable for you."

"Get out!" 

His voice croaked as it rose in volume and I laughed as I ducked out of the room before he could chuck something heavier than a cushion at me.

 Harry glanced at me with an amused smile as I came back into the main room, "that sounded like it went smoothly."

 He was peeling the cup off of a blueberry muffin and he took a massive bite out of it as I snickered, "he's got a cold or something, it'ssuper easy to piss him off."

"He didn't want anything to eat?" Liam asked.

"He didn't make any move to get up, so I guess not."

 I shrugged, grabbing another muffin for myself. An entire basket of the heavenly things had been delivered twenty minutes ago and I'd probably eaten about ten already.

"Would you quit talking about me?"

 I jumped in fright and whirled around to see Niall standing in the doorway with his hair sticking up everywhere and an irritated look on his face. His cheeks and nose were red, like felt tip red,  and his eyes looked glossy and unfocused even from where I sat.

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