Niall sick- for annycobb

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I know it's two Niall ones in a row but it's for requests! Hahaha even seeing it, like two chapters called Niall sick in a row is making my skin itch but I have to do it :)

Today's concert was supposed to be insane, massive stage, enormous crowd, I was absolutely buzzing just thinking about it while I quickly ate a bowl of cereal to keep me going through the evening. We were due to leave in ten minutes so I had to get through it quickly.

 Louis sidled up next to me with a chirpy grin on his face. He was all ready to go by the looks of it, shoes on and everything. "Excited?"

"Hell yeah, I'm pumped."

 I nodded, almost spitting cereal everywhere while I spoke. I finished up and rinsed the bowl out as Liam and Niall came into the room ready to go as well. Well Liam was, Niall looked like he was ready to go to bed. He was dressed in a pair of grey sweats and a plain black T-shirt with a pair of socks and jandals on his feet.

We changed at the venue anyway  but Niall hadn't even tried to look presentable.

"You ready, Nialler?" I questioned as I slid into my shoes.

He shrugged unenthusiastically, blinking once, "Yeah, I guess." 

 Usually he was pretty hyper before big concerts, high on sugar and life, but today he seemed proper down in the dumps mopey and I had no idea why.

"What's wrong?" I asked him as we all left the room and headed in the direction of the elevator.

"Been feeling sick since lunch, got a sore tummy," he replied with another shrug.

Liam smiled and patted his back, "oh that sucks, man. we'll look out for you tonight on stage."  

I grinned too, to show that I was in. 

Niall was a grown man, he could make his own choices and if he thought he was okay to do the concert then he was okay to do the concert, I wasn't going to pester him about it. He would've told us if he really wasn't feeling well.

 Niall sighed hesitantly, looking at the floor, ". . .thanks"

He rubbed his stomach as we got into the lift and the doors closed behind us. We hit the ground floor a few seconds later and moved out into the van that was waiting for us outside the front of the hotel.

Niall's POV:

"Liam! No pinching!" Louis shrieked, trying to bat Liam's long fingers away from him. Liam was laughing as Harry tickled his sides mercilessly but he was still trying to inflict some kind of pain on Louis despite writhing in Harry's grip himself.

I  pressed myself further against the window, not  wanting to get in the way and end up with a black eye or something stupid. 

I rubbed my uneasy stomach with a grimace. The lads didn't realise how bad it was, how uncomfortable I actually was. I didn't know how to even explain it but it hurt a lot and although I hadn't thrown up I felt plenty unwell enough to skip out on the concert.

I often got stomachaches after eating meals, from eating too much or not eating enough, so listening to me complain about a sore tummy wasn't anything new for the band. That was why they were taking it so lightly, it was a daily thing. 

But this wasn't the same, I wasn't full or empty I was just in pain and sweaty.

Whether I was coming down with something or I had managed to consume something bad enough to give me food poisoning at lunch, I felt horrible and I didn't want to get up in front of thousands of people looking and feeling like a turd on the bottom of a boot. 

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