Liam sick parts one and two- for molly_oleary

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 I frowned in confusion upon seeing my best friends lounging on the couches in my living room, "what are you guys doing here?"

 It was barely ten a clock, I had just gotten up to find a stomach relaxer of some kind and instead found the three of them in my house.

"Thought we'd all come over and hang with ya since you couldn't come out with us last night." Niall smiled toothily, "been waiting out here for almost half an hour."

I told them I had stuff to do around the house yesterday evening when they called but really I was just feeling a bit dodgy and didn't know if alcohol was a good idea.

"Oh, well, can you leave?" I blurted, only hearing the rudeness behind the words after I'd said them.


Harry raised an eyebrow before I quickly jumped to my defence. I hadn't meant to sound that impolite.

"I'm sorry, I'm just not feeling too hot, I just want to spend the day on the couch and get over this" I said, yawning. 

I'd been up the majority of the night nursing a stomachache that just seemed to get worse with every hour that passed. I'd tried pills, heating pad, the works, but nothing had done the job so I'd just resorted to squirming in pain all night long resulting in practically zero sleep.

"You're unwell?" Louis frowned, brushing his undone hair out off of his face. His intense stare landed on me and I felt like a caged animal at the zoo.

"Stomachache," I explained.

"We'll look after you then!" Harry leaped up out of his seat with an excited grin, "it'll be fun!"

He caught the look on my face and chuckled sheepishly, "not for you of course, but we'll make it at least a bit better."

"I'm in." Niall grinned, "maybe we'll even get you good enough to come out on the town with us tonight, Li!" 

"You went last night," I pointed out. Usually it took us a few days to recover from a night out.

"It wasn't the same without you there mate, I'm not even hungover." He shrugged. "What about you Mr Tomlinson?"

"Course." Louis smiled lazily, "now come sit down Payno, I'll grab you some breakfast."

I did as he asked but I wasn't feeling to keen on breakfast. I'd choked back a small dinner last night, knowing that it was probably better to have something in my system if worst turned to worst but my appetite had completely disappeared since then and even the thought of food seemed alien.

"I'm not really hungry Lou," I admitted, "but can you grab the stomach stuff from the kitchen? It's on the counter, and some water please?" 

"I can do that. But are you sure you don't want anything to eat?"

I hummed and snuggled into the couch. It was colder out here than it had been in my bedroom and I was definitely feeling it. I was covered head to toe in goosebumps.

"You cold, Li?" Niall asked.

"Is it? Cold I mean?" 

I really didn't want to add a fever to the list.

Harry shrugged, "it's a little bit chilly, nothing major."

They were all in short sleeves.

"I'm cold."

 I laid a careful hand on my bloated stomach. It was gurgling away but I wasn't sure if I was the only one who could hear it or not.

"I'll go grab your duvet."

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