The queen of sick kid sickfics- for heatherc2003

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 Liam huffed, rubbing his eyes so that they would stay open. He wasn't fully awake, but at least if his eyes were open he figured it would look like he was aware. He gazed across the bench top he was resting on, following it all the way until it dropped off at the end, "this has got to be one of the stupidest things to even happen to us lot." 

"Top of the list." Niall yawned in agreement, nodding his head tiredly. 

Louis pulled a face as he carefully levered up the tissue he'd found stuck on the back of his jeans. He grimaced and flicked it onto the floor, running his fingers under the tap for a few seconds to get rid of the inevitable sickness resting on his skin, "we have the worst fucking luck in the world." 

"It's not so bad."

 Harry shot a glance over at the closed door that lead to the living room. The room that contained all the kids.

Louis scoffed, "yeah, you can say that because you actually slept the required eight hours last night."

"You could've woken me up!" Harry protested, feeling a bit guilty. He had fallen asleep and despite the constant noise that went on all night long he didn't even wake up once. Which left his own devil spawns in the rest of the boys care and probably made their night harder than it could've been.

See, it was just one big mess.

After a week or so of planning, they'd all sent their wives off holidaying in Hawaii for two weeks as a late Christmas present. They had only left four days ago, big smiles and hug and tears and then they were gone. The lads thought it was all well and good, there were enough teenagers in the group to control the little ones while they went out for the day, like they did when they were younger. 

The only condition, proposed by Tyler, was that they went went to the massive indoor playground on the main street, the one with the bouncy houses and free pizza.

So they left all nine of their children, everyone over 12 years old with an unimpressed scowl implanted on their faces.

After a long day of all sorts of random shit the boys went back and picked up all the kids.

And for a while everything was good. Trips to the movies, the zoo. Then one by one, the kids started dropping like flies, succumbing to sickness.

Fevers, snot, tears, vomit, the works.

Apparently there was some kind of flu outbreak at the damn indoor playground and now the lads were left to handle nine sick, whining kids, by themselves. 

All because they had to go out for one day. All because they sent their partners to Hawaii.

The door handle wiggled a bit and immediately everyone turned and stared in anticipation.

Finally the door slowly swung open and Niall's fifteen year old daughter gingerly stumbled out, pulling the door shut behind her. In the brief few seconds that the door was open loud noise had echoed through the entire house, whining and coughing and sneezing and just plain chaos.

Niall got to his feet worriedly, "what's the matter, Vi?" 

 Vienna was usually out-spoken and overly confident, very typically a teenage girl. Her normal bronze skin was washed out and her brown eyes were bloodshot and exhausted. Niall didn't like seeing her like she was, looking as if she'd been run down by a truck multiple times.

They'd packed every kid full of drugs and although it helped a bit, the house had gone silent for a record of two hours once it kicked in, they didn't expect it to last and sure enough everything was back to crazy in no time. They could drug them up as much as they could but it was still the flu, and it wasn't going to just go away after taking 5mls of cough syrup.

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