mermaid1113's runner up request:

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"Holy- Harry you prick!" I shrieked, a hand pressed hard against my racing heart, "I might've just shat myself!"

By some kind of random streak of luck I'd managed to keep all the tea I was holding inside the mug at least.

Harry pursed his lips, struggling not to laugh. I could hear the guffaws bubbling at the back of his throat as he stood there, hands tucked behind his back like a schoolkid caught doing something against the rules.

I exhaled the frightened air lodged in my lungs and put my tea down on the coffee table in case Harry decided to make me jump again, "you must be feeling better then, if you're up to scaring the crap out of me."

Harry grinned with a thankful nod, "Practically good as new, which is a blessing really because I probably would've skinned myself alive if I had to last another day in bed."

"It was only two days Harry" I stated with a chuckle, cocking my head in amusement.

"That's 48 hours, Liam," he widened his eyes dramatically, "48 hours that I spent doing absolutely nothing."

"Well, you puked" I pointed out, remembering the time he had spent over the toilet.

Harry screwed his face up, "I don't need the reminder, thanks."

He sighed and wandered into the kitchen to rummage through the cupboards in search of something to eat. I watched him for a few minutes, scoffing as he picked up a bag of cheese-balls, "don't you think something lighter would be a better choice?"

Harry shrugged carelessly, "I feel like cheese-balls."

I rolled my eyes in amusement and picked my tea up again, enjoying the taste and heat in my mouth. A loud and frustrated yell came from the other room where Niall was playing PlayStation. Even behind the closed door I'd been hearing him shouting and swearing all morning. I would've played with him if I wasn't scared to get a controller to the face.

"Can we go to the beach?" Harry asked thoughtfully.

I looked over at him, crunching on a cheese-ball, "yeah, I'd be keen if you can separate Niall from his game. I think Louis' still in bed though."

Harry hoisted his jeans up a bit and trotted over to the doors Niall was shut behind. I downed the last few mouthfuls of my drink quickly and stood up, stretching my arms above my head. I dumped my mug in the dishwasher before going to stand by Harry in the doorway.

Niall was sat cross-legged on the ground in front of the TV, dead silent and staring at the screen with almost comical intense concentration. I was surprised when he straight away just said yes and switched off the system when Harry asked about the beach. I supposed we had been pretty cooped up recently.

"I guess I'll go wake Lou then," I smiled, "you two can pack a bag with some snacks or whatever, towels, sunblock."

I took off down the hall to Louis' room, humming the tune to a song we were working on at the studio currently. I rapped my fingers on the wall as I walked by and then knocked a few times on Louis' door before opening it and stepping inside.

Sure enough he was still in bed, snoring quietly into a huge stack of pillows with his white duvet hugged tightly around his body. It was almost 11 a clock now, he couldn't really get mad at me for waking him, so I shook his shoulders a couple of times and then whipped the curtains open to let the bright beams of sun flow in through the glass, "wakey wakey!"

Louis hardly twitched, their was a slight pause in his snores but that was about the only response I got.

"Louis..." I trailed off as I grew closer and closer to his face. I poked him on the forehead, "it's time to get up. We're going to the beach..."

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