Niall seasick

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Niall turned just in time for the bottle of sunblock to hit him in the face. A surprised gasp escaped his lips as the bottle hit the deck with a thud. "Harry!" He whined playfully, rubbing the spot where it had struck as he scooped it up. It had hurt more than he thought it would.

"Sorry not sorry!" Harry shrieked excitedly and ran away, his flip flops slapping the deck loudly. Niall laughed and covered his face with the sunblock, easing it into his skin evenly so that he wouldn't get burnt. The lads were going out on the water for the day and he didn't want to spend the next unable to move because he was so badly burnt.

"Chuck it over Ni." Liam gestured to the bottle and Niall biffed it over to him with a flick of his wrist. They had pulled away from the mariner barely quarter of an hour ago and he was still getting used to the feel of the boat swaying underneath his feet. Being completely surrounded by water was a weird feeling as well. Harry came back around the corner having completed a full lap of the boat, still laughing and cheering with his arms flying around above his head maniacally.

"Harry, what the hell are you doing?" Louis laughed, looking at Harry over his sunglasses with a raised eyebrow.

"Enjoying the sun!" Came the loud reply as he skidded to a halt in front of us, his breathing erratic  from running. The massive smile didn't even twitch though, it remained on his face as if it was painted there.

"And guess what I found. . .?" He whispered as if it was some big secret.

 Liam shook his head with an amused chuckle and decided to play along, "tell us, Hazza."  Niall squinted to see what was in the plastic bag that Harry had whipped out from behind his back.

"WATER BALLOONS!" Harry screeched excitedly, making everyone crack up laughing and leap to their feet, ready to just embrace their childish side and let go.

So that's what happened. A war was declared. Harry and Louis versus Niall and Liam. On different ends of the boat they filled up as many balloons as they could, pretty much soaking themselves through before they had even begun. Niall's head shot up at the war cry that sounded from the other side.

"It has begun," Liam said seriously, weighing up a balloon in his hand. Niall laughed and stocked his pockets and his hands. A bizarre light headed feeling swept through him for a second and he blinked as the feeling vanished, wondering if he had imagined it.

All of a sudden Harry and Louis came at them screaming, chucking balloons everywhere. A few hit but most just went flying over the barrier and hit the water with a splash. Niall took a hit on the shoulder and one in the gut but other than that he was dry. He glanced over at Liam to see that he was completely drenched, water dripping from everywhere. Harry and Louis looked a bit scared now, they'd run out and they were on enemy territory.

Liam laughed and aimed a balloon right at Harry, hitting his square in the chest. He emitted a girly squeal and danced away as Liam hit him over and over again. Niall supposed this meant Louis was his job so he got to it, running up to him and splatting one right on the top of his head making the water run down his face. He almost fell over with laughter as Louis struggled to avoid the water balloons that were being continuously flung his way. He ignored the sudden sick feeling in his stomach and continued pelting Louis until there were no balloons left. Then it was silent.

"Well, that was fun." Liam grinned, shaking his head like a dog. Niall just rubbed the water out of his eyes with a gulp, feeling his lunch stir within him. He frowned. It had to be seasickness, but he hadn't been seasick in his life. Why now?  

The boat leaped up and over a bigger wave and Niall's stomach rocked dangerously. He leaned over the edge of the barrier hurriedly as another wave of nausea clutched at him, expecting the worst. No one seemed to notice as they argued about who had won. Nothing was happened so he straightened back up a bit, keeping a firm grip on his unsettled stomach,

"What do you think Niall?" Harry questioned suddenly, all the attention swinging over to him.

"Uh. . .I don't know," Niall replied cautiously, not wanting to talk too much in case it triggered something else. His bare stomach was whirling uncomfortably and the churning was beginning to become too much. He wondered how it had escalated so quickly, he had been feeling okay not even ten minutes ago.

"Woah, Niall doesn't know? Someone call a doctor!" Louis scoffed sarcastically, throwing him an easy smile. Niall didn't even reply, he just kept his gaze firmly trained on the horizon and swallowed.

"Are you okay Nialler?" Liam asked, sensing something wasn't quite right.

"I think I'm seasick," he muttered in reply, clutching at his stomach tightly.

"Oh damn really? I guess it was going to happen to one of us. . ." Louis frowned, the excitement from the water balloon fight draining quickly. Niall felt horrible for ruining the atmosphere, he had felt like a little kid again for a minute there and he didn't want to destroy it for everyone else.

He finally pulled away from the edge. "I think I'm going to go lie down."

"I'll come with you, you're a bit pale," Liam volunteered.
Niall shook his head, "nah it's okay, don't worry about me." He waved a hand dismissively and shuffled towards the cabin, feeling a little dizzy and light-headed. He decided he didn't like it and quickened the pace.

He flopped down onto the couch and stared at the wall for some time, watching as the framed photo seemed to be spinning. It didn't help the sick feeling in his stomach but it was a good distraction.

Soon the lads came in quietly, sitting down on the surrounding couches awkwardly. They smelled overwhelmingly of sunblock.

"Are you feeling any better?" Liam asked, his eyes running over Niall's weak looking form all spread out on the couch as if he was part of it. He definitely didn't look better. 

Niall grunted and sat up, one hand wrapped around his abdomen tightly and the other clinging onto the edge of the couch so that he wouldn't fall. His sore tummy protested at the movement and he suppressed a gag.

"Not really," he replied truthfully with a gulp.

"I'm really sorry this happened Ni, we were having fun too." Harry frowned, looking sad.

"Not your fault," Niall said quickly, slamming a fist over his mouth as his stomach heaved into his throat. It was so hot all of a sudden and Niall knew he wasn't going to be able to hold it back this time. The boat rolled over another wave. 

"Shit! Harry grab the bin!" Louis howled and seconds later the empty trash can was shoved under Niall's curled up figure. He drew away from it, struggling to swallow it down. He didn't want to be sick.

"Niall if you gotta do it then you gotta do it, don't hold it in or you'll make yourself feel worse," Liam whispered, feeling sorry for his friend. Niall took a shaky breath and leaned back over the bin, locking both arms around his stomach as the boat lurched underneath him. That was it for him, the vomit he'd been trying to hold down hurled from his mouth with a revolting retch and it didn't seem to be stopping any time soon. He'd stop and inhale and then be back at again, throwing up until there was nothing left inside him. 

When it did finally stop he felt ready to collapse and just kind of slumped forwards. If it wasn't for the hands that shot out and grabbed him he'd be bathing in his own sick.

"I'm going to go tell them to take us back, this isn't fair on you Niall," Liam said from somewhere before leaving hurriedly. Niall grunted as the room spun dizzily around him, making him want to throw up more. He gagged but there was nothing left, everything he had was sitting the the trash can already. Louis gently pushed him back into the couch, a concerned frown etched onto his face.

Harry put the bin on the ground gently with a grimace, wiping his hands on his pants. "Feeling any better after that?" he asked.

Niall just shook his head and curled up into his stomach with a groan, eyes squeezed tightly shut. He was so frustrated with it all, why him? He had never been seasick in his life yet here he was, ruining everybody's break.

"Try to go to sleep mate, we're heading back now so we'll be back on land soon." Liam came back in, "and I've got some tablets that should make you feel better."

After swallowing the pills Niall closed his eyes and fell into an uneasy sleep which thankfully lasted right up until the boat was secured at the mariner. 

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