Harry sick- for storiesoftheseven

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"You alright Haz?" Niall asked curiously, nodding his head at me. I stopped rubbing my stomach and nodded in response, "yeah, just- loose thread."

I smiled and pretended to drop the 'thread' onto the floor. Niall chuckled an rolled his eyes in amusement, "alrighty then, long as you're not feeling carsick or anything."

"Nope, I'm good," I assured. I turned to watch the landscape rushing past outside the window, afraid my face would give me away. It was only a slight stomachache anyway, I didn't see any point in moaning to lads about something that would probably disappear within the next hour anyway.

We reached the concert venue with plenty of time to spare. I think that the driver heard Niall mention car sickness and sped up for his car's sake. Getting out of the van, I wondered whether my sore tummy really was just from the movement of the van. I hadn't been carsick in a long time, I hadn't even thought about it until Niall said something.

I hung a few steps behind the rest of the lads as we made our way to centre stage for a quick rerun of the show and a sound check before people began arriving. Unfortunately the ache didn't go away, but I figured I'd better give it a little longer.

It didn't cause any problems with singing at least, but it was still there 45 minutes later when we'd hidden away in the dressing room backstage to relax for an hour before we had to be back on stage. Louis and Niall were drawn like magnets to the Xbox, while Liam and I relaxed on our phones, chatting every now and then and laughing at the occasional outbursts from Niall and Louis.

"Got some afternoon tea for ya lads, thought you might something to keep you going up on stage!" A woman with voluminous red hair walked into the room, balancing a tray of all kinds of snacks and drinks. She grinned as Louis biffed his controller to the side and leapt to his feet, bounding over eagerly, "I'm starving!"

"Hey, this is pretty neat, thank you Mrs." He nodded, impressed, as he scanned through the contents.

"My pleasure. I'm going to be around all evening so if you need anything come find me." She gestured at her short hair, "I'm usually quite easy to find, but the name's Letty if you have to ask around for me."

Louis took the food from her with a broad smile, "sounds great Love," he said, distracted by the food.

"Thank you," Liam grinned. Letty waved and disappeared.

Louis sat down on the floor in front of the couch Liam and I were sitting on, pulling packets and plates away and spreading them out on the carpet all around himself. He leaned back into the space between my legs and held up a plate with a quiche on it, "either of you interested?"

Liam peered over curiously. He scrunched his nose up, "not me."

I swallowed, feeling sick just looking at it, "neither."

Louis sighed, "well, I'm not eating it. There's spinach in it."

Niall joined him on the floor, pinching a box of crackers from the pile. I had no clue where that Letty lady had found all this food. We were prepared for the apocalypse.

Louis waved the quiche around in my face again. I pushed his hand away, gritting my teeth. Seeing it reminded me of the massive cooked breakfast I'd had at the hotel buffet that morning, which although had been good at the time was a memory that almost made me gag.

It wasn't even that my stomach felt that bad, I just couldn't imagine eating anything right then. I was probably just full.

Once everyone but me was munching on one thing or another Liam glanced over at me quizzically, "not hungry Styles?"

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