Liam sick- for Lily-Rose323

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In general, waking up is kind of uncomfortable but when someone is leaning over you and shaking your entire body hard enough to give a baby severe brain damage it reaches a whole new level that I was totally unprepared for. I didn't even have time to open my eyes a wall of water hit my face, quickly flooding into every facial hole I had. I sat up choking and spluttering, eyes wide in shock, "What the fuck?!"
As Niall stood back and let out a relieved rush of air Harry wasted no time in attempting to drag me out of bed my my arms.
At first I thought maybe it was meant to be some kind of prank but both of their face were pale in fright and showed no signs of amusement. I ripped out of Harry's grip, stumbled to my feet, and swiped my soaked hair off my forehead, "someone better tell me right now what the hell is going on!"

"I tried to wake- he wouldn't! So still, and- he's breathing but- and hot and-"
I stopped Harry with a shake of my head, "hang on, slow down, you're not making any sense. Take a breath," I offered as I blinked the remaining water out of eyes, "and try again."
Harry's mouth simply opened and closed a few times before he grabbed onto my arms again. This time I allowed him to pull me out of the room as I heard Niall's quiet whisper, "something's wrong with Liam."

The air felt warmer in Liam's room, if that was possible. It was eerily silent, considering Liam usually snored like an elephant and slept with plenty of movement.
"Harry made bacon, we were trying to wake him but he just- wouldn't." Niall squeaked running his hands through his messy hair. It was obvious that it wasn't the first time the action had been completed.
Uncertainly I touched Liam's bare shoulder, poking out from under the blankets. Surely the lads were pulling my leg. Why on earth would Liam simply just not wake?
Beneath my fingertips his skin felt burning hot and instantly I knew why the room was warmer. He was literally throwing off heat waves.
Memories of the night before flooded into my mind. He'd been quieter during recording, and hadn't offered to drive back to the apartment afterwards like he usually did. The food on his plate come dinner time was minuscule and bed time for him last night had been about nine a clock. Early enough to be suspicious.
I crouched down beside the bed and shook him a little more. There was no response so I moved my hand to cup his scorching cheek. Way too hot. He was going to start melting if he got too much hotter. The fever must've been the cause for the bizarre unresponsiveness and I knew that if it was high enough to cause issues like this it was high enough to be dangerous.
Mentally, I was terrified, totally freaking out. I was scared for myself and I was scared for Liam. However, Harry and Niall were right behind me trembling in their socks and I suddenly felt a lot older than them than I actually was. I needed to keep it together for their sake and Liam's, be the older one for once and take charge.

Liam squirmed suddenly and my hand shot back as I gasped in shock. It was nothing but a twitch, and his eyes stayed closed as a bead of sweat traveled down the side of his face. At least he was sweating still, that meant he wasn't so hot he'd literally dried out like a raisin.

"Louis..." Harry muttered, "what do we do?"

I swallowed. I could do this.
"Call an ambulance, he's running way hotter than he's supposed to be. Someone grab the icepacks out of the freezer, some water too maybe? Anything you can think of that'll cool him down. He'll wake if we can just lower his temp." I hoped. I hoped to fucking god he would wake.
Niall stayed dead stiff in the centre of the room as Harry rushed away. His eyes were trained on Liam, full of unshed tears. He shook as he wrapped his arms around his shoulders, embracing himself in his own hug.
"Can you get the icepacks Ni?" I raised my brows at him, getting to my feet. I tore Liam's blankets off of him and chucked them on the ground.
Niall gulped, "he said he wasn't feeling well, yesterday, but I didn't know- I didn't think-"
Typical Liam Payne. Mr keep it to himself until he scares the living shit out of his friends and we have to pay for ambulance service. If he wasn't unconscious I would've flicked him on the forehead.
"It's not your fault, and anyway, he's fine Ni. Just a bit hot. Go get the icepacks," I rushed, tugging at the waistband on Liam's pants. Thankfully the dude wore underwear beneath his pajamas. I thought maybe all the movement and voices stirred him but unfortunately not, he still laid there like a rock.

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