Louis hurt- for rapid34

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So far it had been a pretty good day.

Instead of sitting through several hours of conferences and meetings we were playing a private football game for charity. It wasn't a big event, there wasn't more than a couple of hundred people watching and on the field with us were a few old retired stars of the sport.

I wasn't going to lie, I was loving it. I hadn't played a proper game like this in way too long and it was a fantastic break in between all the stressful stuff going on currently. I wished we could do this every day.

The weather was perfect, not a cloud in the sky and it wasn't so hot that I was sweating buckets. Just the perfect temperature that allowed me to run around without being worried about the pit marks surely expanding.

"Here Lou!" Niall screeched out, waving his arms around in the air with a wide grin on his face. We all needed this, some way to just release all the pent up energy.

I booted the ball over to him and then followed him as he weaved his way down the field towards the goal.

Harry was jogging alongside me, laughing about one thing or another and as much as I wanted to tell him that he should be staying back and defending I found that I really didn't want to at all. 

I tripped him and skipped ahead, laughing loudly to myself as he fought to catch himself before he face planted.

"Head in the game Lads!" Liam called out in amusement, fanning his skin with his shirt.

"Buzzkill!" I yelled back.

Niall got the ball through the legs of the goalie and the small crowd cheered excitedly as he ran past, commentating his own shot and holding his hand out for high-fives.

The old timer's team had the ball then and I went to go intercept a pass right in front of this guy, Austin I think, but I missed by nothing more than a single inch and the Austin guy spun with the ball under his foot.

I realised what was about to happen about a millisecond before it did and by then it was too late. I was steamrolled into the ground. 

Austin, or whatever his name was, barrelled straight into me and I flew a metre or so and then collided harshly with the ground. My eyes were shut tightly, either in fright or fear and it just made the dirt feel harder. Especially since I didn't just land on my butt, it was more a landing on my feet, then a bounce, and then the final collision. My hands didn't shoot out to catch me as I would've expected so my back just hit the grass.

Instantly, I couldn't breathe. I hadn't been winded this badly in my life, it literally felt like my lungs had been ripped out of my chest and hung out to dry.

"Oh jesus, I'm really sorry mate, didn't see you there!" 

 Austin  was leaning over me looking genuinely apologetic and guilty, I wanted to tell him that it was alright, but I still couldn't breathe. There was an intense pain crawling up my leg as the seconds passed, becoming more and more obvious the longer I laid there gasping for air.

 Harry joined Austin and peered over me worriedly, eyebrows creased together, "Louis! Are you okay?"

My chest was aching something terrible, cramping up every couple of seconds and along with the whole struggling to breathe thing it was enough for me to shake my head.

"C-can't - breathe," I panted a bit frantically. It was beginning to get scary now. Liam and Niall were there too now, along with a man and a woman wearing fluorescent colours who were at the game in case anything like this did happen.

 The man waved a hand dismissively, "he's just winded, help him into a crouching position." 

He looked as bored as hell, like he'd rather be anywhere but here.

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