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Pyhtus: Have a safe flight.

Vulcannus: I have no say in the matter.

Pythus: Die, then.


Vulcannus: I've never been in a snowball fight before. I don't know the rules.

Abbigail: What?

Vulcannus: Is there a point system, or is it to the death?


Hawken: I like bees!

Hawken: They're good for the environment, they make honey, and they're cute!

*Bee appears*

Hawken: Please don't hurt me.


Achillean: *Staring at Senn*

Galleous: What are you doing?

Achhilean: They've just been laying there. Not moving. For hours.

Galleous: That's called sleeping...

Achillean: What's sleeping?

Ingressus, who just walked into the room: *Concerned noises*


Senn: You were stabbed. Do you remember anything?

Ingressus: Only the ambulance ride to the hospital.

Senn: That wasn't an ambulance, I drove you.

Ingressus: But I heard a siren.

Almrak: That was Deltheous.

Deltheous: Sorry, I got nervous.


Vulcannus: I have a 1:30 appointment.

Abbigail: Which doctor?

Vulcannus: No, I want the regular doctor.


Ziniada: Hold on! I'm having one of those things... a headache with pictures.

Senn: What the heck?

Ingressus: Oh my god.

Ingressus: They're having an idea.


Ingressus:Tygren, how could you possibly have gotten into this much trouble in one day?

Tygren: It... It didn't take me the whole day...


Achillean: My partner is so much cuter than yours.

Ingressus: How DARE you insult my partner like that!

Ingressus: Wait- You're my partner-

Ingressus: How DARE you insult yourself like that!


*Ingressus is casually searching around the room*

Tygren: HeyIngressus, what're you looking for?

Ingressus: My will to live.

*Achillean walks into the room*

Ingressus: Oh, there it is.


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