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Denny: Hey, did you know as a kid I accidentally ate paper?

Vulcannus: I feel like we've all done that at least once.

Abbigail: I ate it too-

Vulcannus: See?

Abbigail: -On purpose...

Denny & Vulcannus: ...What?


Pythus: Remember that time you dared me to lick a swingset?

Vulcannus: No, I said "Pythus, don't lick that swingset" and you said "Don't tell me what to do" and licked the swingset.


Thalleous: Are you sure this is the right direction?

Tygren: Certainly, I'm as sure as I am honest!

Achillean: In that case, we're definitely lost.


Lucan: Try telling them it's a non-optional social convention.

Niika: What?

Lucan: Just do it.

Niika: It's a non-optional social convention.

Kiyoshi: Oh, fair enough.

Lucan: They came with a manual.


Vulcannus: Visualize the ocean.

Abbigail: *Screams*

Vulcannus: The surface.

Abbigail: Oh.


Police Officer: You have the right to remain silent.

Ingressus: I choose to waive that right!

Ingressus: *Screaming*


Pythus: *Finds a note* Hmm, what's this?

Vulcannus: Hey, that's mine! *Tries to grab it*

Pythus: Aww, it's a love note for Abbigail?

Vulcannus: No-

Pythus: *Opens it*



Pythus: I can't read this.


Tygren, slamming pots and pans together to the rhythm of "Give it to me, I'm worth it": I didn't get no sleep cause a' y'all! Y'all never gonna sleep cause a' me!


Abbigail: What scares you the most?

Everyone else:

Everyone, simultaneously: Denny on caffeine.

Abbigail: And Denny..?

Denny: ... Me on caffeine?


Ingressus: Valentine's day is just a consumerist holiday that holds no real value other than drive people insane buying heart shaped chocolates for their significant others and pos-

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