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Grim: Since you've studied my language...let's try having a conversation...

Hubris:*Series of Grim noises*




Denny:Isn't it weird we're hiding from Pythus in his own house?

Vulcannus:My brother hasn't come here since our family was actually happy...and that was a long time ago.


Ingressus: Okay, can we all stop saying stupid crap for a moment, please?!

Achillean: Alright.

Tygren: Hey, I-

Ingressus: SHUT UP!


Achillean: It was bound to be stupid.


Lucan: I'm every D&D game I've ever played, I've always managed to become the God of Squirrels.

Niika: What?

Lucan: I mean in every game I gain control over an ungodly amount of squirrels.

Niika: Of course you do...


Random fireworks dealer:*Giving fireworks to Tygren*

Tygren:Wait...are these legal?

Random fireworks dealer:Would that make you more or less interested in buying them?

Tygren:*Walks away with an ungodly amount of fireworks*


*The KoA is gathered in the living room for a meeting*

Ingressus: *Walks in and sits on Achillean lap*

The KoA: ...

Onyx: Why are you sitting there?

Achillean: There's no free seats!

Grek: But we made sure there was enough room for-

Ingressus: *Hugs Achillean tightly* There are no free seats.


Random guard, talking about Lucan:Sir we can't let him out!He's a criminal!

Kiyoshi:That is my emotional support criminal. Release him.


Achillean: I'm so happy, I could kiss you!

Ingressus: Um...Neat.


Ingressus, lying face down on his bed: I said "Neat," Senn. Who the frick says neat these days? It's not neat to say neat but I said it anyways because I'm freaking stupid.

Senn, reading a book: Don't beat yourself up too much, Ingressus. Everyone gets nervous sometimes. Remember what I did when Ria confessed her love for me?

Ingressus: Didn't you thank her?

Senn: *Closes the book and looks at the ceiling* I freaking thanked her.


Alec: I've been here in jail so long I think I've lost my mind.

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