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Hubris:Ok so if you're the captain can I be the co captain

Ria:That's........not a thing.


*Grek and Grim enter a dive bar*

Grek: Look, I know you're disappointed but could we at least have a drink.

Grim, in a scuba diving suit: I would like to leave, please.


Vulcannus: Just be yourself.

Abbigail: Really? Vulcannus, I have one day to win over your parents.

Abbigail: How long did it take for you guys to like me?

Denny: Couple of weeks.

Saxon: Six months.

Trevor: Jury's still out.

Abbigail: See Vulcannus? 'Just be yourself,' what kind of garbage advice is that?!


Lucan: I really like Eminem.

Kiyoshi: I prefer skittles.

Nikka: They are talking about the rapper.

Kiyoshi: Why would they eat the wrapper?


Senn: Whatever happened to the concept of less is more?

Tygren: But if less is more, then just think of how much more 'more' will be!


Senn: Hi, could I ask how exactly does one accidentally set a lemon on fire??

Ziniada: Microwave for 40 minutes. 😔

Senn: Why were you microwaving a lemon???

Ziniada: I read boiling lemons helps cover up bad smells (I wanted to cover up the scent of burnt oranges) but I didn't own any pots.

Senn: Did you burn an orange too? How???

Ziniada: Microwave for 40 minutes. 😔


Thalleous: I know what you're up to.

Ingressus: Really? Because I barely know.


*Police at the door*

Achillean:Hello officers,how can I help you?

Officer:We're looking for a Voltaris

Achillean:Is everything ok?

Officer:No actually this Voltaris recently broke the law.Are they here?

Achillean:Uh, which Voltaris?

Officer,impatiently:The one who recently committed a crime

Achillean:*Looking over shoulder to see Ingressus,Tygren and Lucidius sprinting out the back door*.

Achillean:I'm gonna need you to be more specific


Ingressus:*Taps pen*

Vulcannus:*Taps pen back*

Pythus:Stop it.

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