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Ingressus:I freaking hate Thalleous.

Achillean:Watch your language there are children in the house

Ingressus:My bad

Ingressus:I freaking hate

Ingressus:*Covers Senn's ears*



Tygren,teaching the new Voltaris:Ok what's the first rule?

New Voltaris:Don't wake up Ingressus before 12 if you want to live.

Tygren:Second rule?

New Voltaris:If Lucidius tells you no, go to Zinaida.

Lucidius,shouting from a distance:wHAT ARE YOU TEACHING THEM!?!?!


Lucidius,Ingressus and Tygren playing truth or dare:

Tygren:Ingressus, truth or dare

Ingressus:Dare I guess

Tygren:*Smirks* I dare you throw this apple at Achillean

Ingressus: ok.....?

Ingressus:*Throws apple at Achillean who's walking by*

Achillean:*Catches apple*Did you just propose to me?


Lucidius:*Whispering*You better run.

Tygren:*Already running for his dear life*



Senn:I think I'm gay because I like guys, but I like girls too, so maybe I'm straight.

Achillean,a bisexual: What I'm about to say next is going to blow your mind-


Niika,staring out the window,thinking:

Lucan:She's so beautiful and thoughtful.I wonder what brilliant insights are crossing her mind today.



Niika:Stop waiting for Prince Charming.Get up and go find him.If he's anything like mine, the idiot may be stuck in a tree or something.


Nitsuke:So Lucan, when did you get your driver's license?

Lucan:My what?

Kiyoshi,in the backseat:I need to get out of this car.


Tygren:Don't tell me.We're about to go over the huge waterfall?

Thalleous:We are

Tygren:Sharp rocks at the bottom?


Tygren:Bring it on


Tygren & Thalleous:*Running up to each other and doing a really long and complicated handshake*

Thalleous,deadpan:You're so annoying I hate you so much

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