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Senn: Why would anyone want to harm Tygren?

Ria: Maybe because they met them?


Tygren: I feel like more alone time.

Ingressus: Alright.

Tygren: But also more attention.


Pythus: Oh, so when crows remember people who wronged them and hold grudges, it's "intelligent" and "really cool".

Pythus: But when I do it, I'm "petty" and "need to let it go".


Abbigail: I did it! I memorized everything in the book! I'm gonna ace this test!

Vulcannus: Ok,Abbigail , I'll give you one more question before you go. What ended in 1918?

Abbigail: 1917.

Vulcannus: ...You're ready.


Lucan: I know this isn't going to end well and I don't care. So don't you try and stop me, Kiyoshi!

Kiyoshi: I wasn't stopping you. I was asking if you had a spare camera so I can record this.


Ingressus: I'm not doing too well.

Vulcannus: What's wrong?

Ingressus: I have this headache that comes and goes.

*Pythus enters the room*

Ingressus: There it is again.


Pythus: Guess what number I'm thinking of.

Scorch: 420?

Pythus: No, that's really immature of you. Someone else guess, and please take this seriously.

Vulcannus: 69.

Pythus: Yeah it was 69.


Tygren: Don't worry, I have a permit.

Senn: ...This just says "I can do what I want".


Thalleous: *Holding a salt packet* It's just a little sodium chloride.

Tygren: Actually Thalleous, it's salt.

Thalleous: That's what I said, sodium chloride.

Tygren: Uh Thalleous, that would be salt.

Tygren: *Takes salt packer from Thalleous* This is iodized table salt, which in addition to sodium chloride contains anti-caking agents and potassium iodate, which is added to prevent iodine deficiency. So not only are you being overly pretentious by insisting on using scientific terminology for everyday items, you are factually wrong. Your arrogance is your downfall.


Nitsuke: Well, has Kiyoshi been wrong before?

Lucan: How wide are we willing to open this up?


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