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Lucan:I need you.

Niika: For?


Niika, voice cracking: Oh.


Chronos, returning with Pthelina from a date: Pythus did not give you any trouble, did he?

Vulcannus, beaming: Not at all. He asked if he could have cake for breakfast and I told him no.

Chronos: Oh good, he has been really pushing boundaries lately.

Vulcannus, continuing oblivious: But then he told me I was not his best brother anymore so we compromised. He's on his third slice and I am now the best brother in all three realms.

Chronos: ...

Pthelina, nodding: Seems reasonable.


Ingressus: It's the third time you've been suspended for fighting.

Deltheus: You'd think I'd be better at it by now.


Saxon and Trevor on a date, standing in the middle of the forest
Saxon: This is my special place. I come here whenever I'm sad.

Trevor: Oh... well thank you for trusting me enough to show i-

Saxon: Lmao Nah, I'm just kidding. We're lost.


Senn: One time Thalleous was yelling at Tygren and Tygren was drinking a cup of tea and ignoring him, so Thalleous grabbed his cup of tea and threw it across the room and Tygren looked him dead in the eye and took out another cup of tea he somehow had kept in his pocket.


Xaria: I am a moderately peaceful man.

Nitsuke: Just yesterday you threw a chair at Lucan.

Xaria: Yes, which was a moderate peaceful compromise for the table I was initially going to throw at him.


Ingressus: Alright, the job is simple, we get in, grab the supplies we need and get out. Do you remember the one rule?

Tygren: As I recall the one rule is no murder.

Ingressus: ... The one rule is stick together!This is a hospital, no murder is implied!


Xaria, watching Lucan push on a door that clearly says pull: You're not pushing hard enough.


Denny: Are you the sun?
Allister: Are you hitting on me?
Denny: Because I want to be 148 million kilometres away from you.


Pythus: I will resort to violence.

Achillean: Hey, Ingressus I think I found someone you might like.

Ingresus: Violence is unethical.

Achillean: ...Y-what?!

Ingressus: I know what I said.

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