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Galleous: A whiskey for me and uh...he'll have a Capri sun.

Achillean: Galleous. I'm over 154 years old.

Achillean: I can order my own Capri Sun.


Lucan: Hey Kiyoshi can I do *Insert stupid thing*

Kiyoshi: No, that's illegal.

Lucan: What do you mean that's illegal? I know the laws, there's no law against it!

Kiyoshi, signing a document: There is now.


Random Sendaris, flirting with Thalleous: Hey there, you look a bit cold. I'm cold also, so why don't we snuggle together to get warmer?

Tygren, appears behind the guy with flint and steel: If you're so cold I can set you on fire. That way you'll be warm for the rest of your life.


Grek: Where's the yoghurt? I thought you went to the store!

Grim: *Mumbles*

Grek: What?

Grim: I couldn't reach it! It was on the top shelf!


*Thalleous after spending too much time with Tygren*

Ingressus: *Telling him something*

Thalleous: *Absentmindedly* Yes Master Ingressus.



Tygren:Thalleous I burned the water.

Thalleous: What the fu-HOW DID YOU BURN THE WATER?!


Pythus and Scorch: *Questioning Saxon and Trevor after knocking them out and capturing them*

Saxon: Okay, I'm gonna stop you right there. First of all we just woke up from a very nasty shock and I'm still feeling freaking woozy so I'm gonna request you to fetch us some coffee. I mean everyone gets coffee in crappy movies with scenes like this, am I right?

Saxon: I want something iced idiot! Trevor?

Trevor: I'll have a Neapolitan cappuccino with more cappu than cinno, make sure it's got no more than four ounces of milk, the bean won't get the right texture otherwise.Make sure they spell my name correctly on the cup they always put Trebor or Drevor I hate that.

Trevor: And if you can't handle that I'll have a Venti traditional Misto, please use soy milk with two blonde shots affogato AND ristretto. I'd also love three vanilla pumps at the very bottom then-

Pythus: ENOUGH! We are not getting you two coffee!


Zulius: You were supposed to be on some spiritual retreat!

Achillean: Namaste.

Zulius: And you're supposed to be dead!

Ingressus: I got better?


Vulcannus: Do not let it get to you Abbi and hey you do not need my parents to respect you, they will eventually.

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