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Ingressus:Are you getting enough sleep

Achillean:Sometimes when I sneeze my eyes close


Tygren: *Talking to Achillean* Oh, hi. I didn't see you there. Welcome to my abode. I'm glad you could join me.

Thalleous: But this is my abode.

Tygren: ...

Tygren: Welcome to my abode, I'm so happy to have you, guest.


Ingressus: Dracula had it right, sleep all day, live alone in a castle, and explode into bats to get out of all social situations.


Xaria: I've invited you here because I crave the deadliest game...

Alec, nodding: Knife Monopoly.

Xaria: I was actually going to play Russian roulette, but now I'm really interested in whatever knife Monopoly is.


Stranger: What's your name?

Thalleous, whispering: Can I tell them my real name?

Ingressus: No!

Thalleous: I'm... (Ingressus's full name).

Ingressus, whispering to himself: The ONE TIME they get my last name right...


Kiyoshi: Do you have any idea what you're doing?

Lucan: Why start now?


Ria: So... who's the big spoon and who's the little spoon?

Achillean: We're chopsticks!

Ria: Well... that's cute!

Ria: Does that mean you two snuggle together perfectly?

Ingressus: No, it means that if you take one away, the only thing the other is good for is stabbing.


Kiyoshi: You three, explain right now!

Niika: It was Lucan.

Nitsuke: It was Lucan.

Xaria: It was Lucan.


Lucan: ....Frick.


Niika: What if the person who named Walkie Talkies named everything?

Nitsuke: Pregnancy tests are Maybe Babies.

Alec: Socks are Feetie Heaties.

Lucan: Defibrillators are Heartie Starties.

Xaria: Nightmares are Dreamy Screamies.

Kiyoshi: Stamps are Lickie Stickies.

Xar: I hate you guys so much.


Ziniada: Can you be quiet?! I'm trying to think.

Tygren: Don't worry. Doing anything for the first time is difficult.

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