Chapter 4

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Alexander's POV

Great, I just love Mondays *note the sarcasm*.I got woke up by my stupid alarm blaring Heathens by Twenty-one Pilots. Getting up I hopped in the shower after relaxing my tense muscles I did my morning routine and went to my closet and just threw on some black jeans, a white t-shirt,my black converse and leather jacket.

Making my way downstairs I see my mom, dad and little sister all eating breakfast. I grab a plate with pancakes and bacon. I love my family they are my world I know I act all though and I'm a badboy but I have a heart and these people are my life.Even my dad who is one of the best lawyers in the city and my mom is a fashion designer/ stay at home mom. My little sister is 7 and just adorable.

I respect them just as much as I love them. After I finished my breakfast I bid them goodbye and went to get my bike.

I'm not bragging but we are kindoff rich and live in a big ass house that is two story's high with a pool and big backyard. The house is modern and looks good with a few balconies and a stone path. Every room has it own bathroom and walk in closet.

I got on my bike and made my way to school. Once I'm at school the boys are waiting for me with their bikes. Luke, Dean and Shawn all come to my bike after I park and take my helmet off a few girls are crowding us and fan-girling or whatever. We are hot but we are also the so called 'bad boys' of the school.

Luke is jumping up and down like a kid on Christmas and has a huge grin ons his face. After greeting them with the bro hug thing I looked at Luke and raise my eyebrows in question.

"Come on Luke why are you so excited?" Dean asked

Me, Dean and Luke has been best friends since we we're in diapers. Shawn is our new best friend since we met him in 6th grade after I accidentally punched him for pushing me.

"Oh yeah. There is a new student and apparently the new student is very badass and comes from Chicago." He said breathlessly, with a huge grin.

"Well then, we have to meet him."Shawn said with a smirk.

I smirk at the thought of seeing this 'so called badass'. Dean was about to say something when a revving engine broke our conversation. We turned around only to see a girl on a black and purple bike. And damn those legs in those shorts looks amazing.

She parked beside my bike and slowly got off and took her helmet off. To say I was breathless would be and understatement. All the guys jaws drop as we watch her. She turned to us and gave a wink and started walking away while swaying her hips like she owns the place. And trust me with her beauty she could own the damn universe.

"Damn, she's hot." Dean said beside me.

"Guys that's the new girl, the badass from Chicago." Luke said breaking me out of my trance.

"Damn, she's a hot badass, did you guys see those legs?" Shawn asked.

"Yeah." We answered at the same time still staring at were she stood.

I walked to the bike and damn was it a beauty just like it's driver. My thoughts got cut off by the bell ringing and everyone begin making their way to class.

Walking in the halls everyone makes way for me and the boys. The girls are almost drooling, the guys are glaring or staring in awe. To say we are the most popular boys in school is absolutely correct we rule the school. Sending a wink here and there everyone is looking except the new girl that just came out of the office and isn't even looking up.

Soon everyone leaves to go to class and I walk to maths only to get stop by an angelic laugh. Turning on my heel I follow the laugh to see the new girl and Zoey laughing. Deciding not to be a stalker I walk back to class.

I walk into maths just in time before the teacher whatever his last name is came in and started the lesson. About 5 minutes into the lesson there's a knock and the door burst open and shuts with a loud bang behind the new girl.

''Hi, you must be Ms. Shade the new student.''Mr whatever say with a tight smile.

''Hi yeah I am Mr.... ''She smirks. Wow I never thought a smirk can look good on girl.

''I'm Mr.Watson and I will be your math teacher so if you like could you tell us something about yourself?'' He smiles looking her up and down, like actually smiles this dude never smiles.

''Sure I'm Allison Shade and I'm 17. I just move from Chicago with my mom. My favourite colour is black and purple it's also the colour of my baby a Kawasaki Ninja ZX-10.'' She smiles and the whole class is quiet with their jaws drop even Mr. Watson.

''Uh... Thanks for sharing Ms. Shade you can take a seat at the back next to Mr. Black.'' He points to the seat next to me.

''Thank you sir.'' She smiles and makes her way over to me.

Looking forward not trying to pay attention to class is much more harder with a hot girl next to me so I give in.

''Hi.'' I say looking at her. Hi really that's all I internally groan.

I heard her mumble a finally before she looks up at me and smiles. Damn that smile with those eyes. Wait what am I saying.

''Hey... '' she trails off not knowing my name. She doesn't know my name wow that's a first everybody knows my name.

''Oh, uhh Alexander.'' I say sounding like a complete idoit.

''Well it's nice to meet you Alexander I'm Allison which you already know." She says laughing.

The rest of the class go by fast and I'm kinda sad when the bell rang signaling our next class.

I say bye to Allison and catch up with the boys and tell them everything Luke were practically jumping and Dean and Shawns jaws were on the floor.

This year is going to be fun.


So I wrote this chapter like at 1 in the morning to please don't hate.

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