Chapter 67

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Allison's POV

Finally school is over. Me, Caleb, Ray, Nathan and Mike got on our bikes and told the guys along with Riley and Zoey we'll see them later. We drove to Gabe's house in less then 10 minutes.

We climbed off of our bikes but Nathan came to fetch Ray cause he drove with Dean and Shawn. And Nathan was at the gang house the whole day with Greyson and them.

''You nervous?'' Caleb whispered to me.

''I don't know if I should be or not.'' I replied truthfully.

Just then we hear alot of bikes and cars and when we turned around all the boys along with Tom was there even Zoey and Riley.

''What are you doing here?'' I asked confused.

''Well we heard Gabe wanted to see you and he sounded nervous so here we are.'' Greyson explained walking closer to me.

I just nodded and started walking towards Gabe's door when it bursts open to reveal a crying, mad looking Ariel.

''Angel!'' She yelled and came running towards me.

''Babygirl.'' I bent down and pick her up. Only to fel her snuggle closer to me.

''What's wrong babygirl?'' I asked concerned.

''D-daddy h-he-'' Ariel began.

''Deep breaths babygirl.'' I cooed her, just when Gabe came running out.

''Oh thank god. I thought you were gone Ariel. Don't run away like that.'' Gabe scolds Ariel only to make her shake more but out of anger.

''Daddy how could you? You lied to me. You-you-'' Ariel yelled still shaking.

''Shh babygirl. Look at me.'' I said and Ariel shook her head. I put her down on the ground and lift her chin towards me. I took her hand in mine and look at her in the eye.

''Relax babygirl. It's okay. I'm here. Deep breaths.'' I cooed Ariel. She nodded and came closer to me. I picked her up and stood up.

''Let's go in, shall we?'' I asked Gabe who looked guilty and tired. He just nodded and started walking.

When we walk in the house were Dustin and John is standing looking at us wide eyed. Kai came with the rest of the guys. I smiled at them and followed Gabe still holding Ariel. We walked into the lounge and see alot of boxes and papers spread out.

''Gabe what's going on?'' Caleb asks walking closer to me.

''Um A-Ally.'' Gabe began to stutter out.

''I have been going through Quinn's stuff to see if there is something I can keep for Ariel and me but I found something else, and it's for you.'' Gabe said looking away while he picked up a envelope and handing it to me.

''Here take a seat and read this, I also got a letter but I will tell you later. Hand me Ariel, I will put her in her bed.'' Gabe said while taking a sleeping Ariel out of my arms. I sat down and began to open the envelope and began reading out loud.

Dear Angel/Allison.

I know that you will only get this after a few years when Gabe finally goes thru my stuff.

Ally I know that you're the leader of the Dark Shadows and I know that you will always be there for Ariel no matter what. Just be safe Ally. Also it isn't your fault I overdosed, I couldn't handle being a mom especially when the baby doens't even look like me or is mine.

So what I'm trying to say is. Remember when we were 13 and I told you that I won't be able to have kids cause my ovaries was damaged and you asked the doctor if you could give some of your eggs to me and you did. Only I didn't put them in until I was 15 a week before you lost your baby.

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