Chapter 56

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Edward's POV

To say I was surprised to see Ally with Zack at school and how she handled herself in lunch would be an understatement. Then when she cancelled on ice cream and we went and found out about the gang that needs us there ASAP. I didn't expect to see Allison there.

Know here we are sitting in Gabe's office with almost every guy drooling over Allison.

''Lets begin.'' Allison stated.

''A few months back a guy came here under the name of Wes, only his real name is Mike. And he asked you for help am I right?'' Ally asked.

''Yeah. But he didn't say his real name is Mike we knew Mike from when we were younger so we would've remembered him We all called him Wes.'' Gabe said.

''His full name is Mike Weston Jones. He always use Wes as an undercover name. I want to know what he asked you to do?'' Ally explained and asked.

''Why?'' Kai asks.

''Mike was my best friend but then my ex boyfriend Chase killed him. Then Chase's dad killed Chase cause he disobeyed him and I along with my gang killed his gang. The fighters.'' Ally explained.

''When did this happen?'' Marcus asks.

''Over a year or so ago.'' Ally said.

''He came here asking for us to help him take out a few members of this high class assassin thing. We did on one condition.'' Gabe explained.

''What condition?'' Ally asks.

''To tell us the leader of the Dark Shadow's now known as Shadow Demon's. Only he didn't know but he found out and told us it was a guy named Tom.'' Gabe explained.

''What do you want with their leader?'' Ally asks.

''We wanted to kill him but for what so now we want to make a deal.'' Gabe explained.

''What kind of deal?'' Devon asks.

''To help us move away from London, cause we're in danger.'' Gabe explained.

''But we found out Tom isn't the real leader someone else is, we don't know who. But rumor has it he's in London.'' Dustin explained.

''Try she.'' Ally said.

''What?'' Gabe asks.

''It's a she. And that she is me. I'm the leader of the Shadow Demon's. And I will help you but I know you're hiding more stuff about Mike aka Wes.'' Ally said.

''What do you mean you're the leader Allison?'' Marcus asks.

''Exactly that. Here look.'' She stood up and lifted her hair showing their tattoo also on her wrist.

''The leader is a hot fucking teenage little girl.'' John said shocked while standing up.

''This little girl can kick you're ass if you don't sit the fuck down right now with that gun in your waist band.'' Ally glared at him.

''Easy Love. Okay Wes also asked us to get info on you and what you've been up to. But I owe you my life so does Marcus and we gave him false stuff. We have you're back Ally. Also he got us stuck in the middle of his war against assassin's so that's why we need your and your gangs help Angel.'' Gabe explained walking closer to Ally.

''Listen Ally we told him that you're in LA but we didn't say anything else. Also why didn't you tell us that you were the leader when you helped us?'' Marcus asks also now walking closer to her.

Devon stood up and went to stand infront of Ally but she put her hand up and stopped him. Both of them stopped infront of her and went on their knees in front of her.

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