Chapter 13

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Allison's POV

''So mom what you wanna talk about.'' I asked.

''Oh yeah, we really are sorry. We didn't mean to push everything on you or lie to you. We hope you can forgive us.'' She said with a small smile.

''Yeah, and we are still going through with the plans but we hope that you guys can be happy for us cause we truly love each other and it's something we hadn't had in a long time.'' Chris added.

''Well I am happy for you guys and I will try my best to make it work. But I just can't forgive and forget sure I'll forgive but I can't forget that you lied to me and played on my emotions like that and didn't even tell me the real reason why we moved.'' I replied honestly.

''I understand honey and I along with your grandparents are truly sorry honey.'' Mom replied.

''Yeah Monkey, and it's wonderful to see you again after all this time.'' My gramps replied.

''Yeah but you're traveling the world so now I won't be able to see you guys until you come back to visit or something.'' I said getting more frustrated.

''We know sweetie but we will come back but it's time that we live our life's before it's to late.'' Grams said.

''Yeah okay.'' I replied.

Caleb's POV

''Yeah okay.'' Ally replied.

''And you Caleb how do feel?'' My dad asked.

''I mean I'm also happy that you guys found each other and you look happy. But I am also not over the whole thing I still feel betrayed and I already forgave you but it's gonna take a while before I can forget.'' I replied truthfully.

''We know son and we are sorry and we understand that it will take some time.'' He said.

''So what will you do with your house after you guys move in with us?'' Ally asked my dad.

''We will probably sell it or we can rent it out, what do you think son?'' My dad answered and asked.

''Well if you guys are truly serious then we can sell it but if you think you won't last then we can keep it for like a extra house.'' I replied honestly.

''Don't worry we are truly in this till the end and if we fight we will make up.'' Dad replied.

''Yeah we really are in it forever cause we have some news.'' Ally's mom replied.

''More news.'' Ally sighed.

''Yeah honey. You and Caleb will be and older brother and sister.'' Alice said with a huge smile.

''What do you mean.'' We asked in sync.

''Son, Allison, we went to the doctors today and it turns out that Alice is 3 weeks pregnant.'' My dad replied with a huge smile.

''Pregnant.'' We both yelled.

''Yes pregnant.'' They said also in sync.

Ally looks like she's gonna explode any second now but she composed herself with a fake smile.

''Wow, congratulations mom and Chris I'm really h-happy for you guys.'' Ally smiled a fake smile.

''Really honey, thank you.'' Alice replied happily.

''U-uh y-yeah congrats you guys.'' I said with a fake smile.

''Thanks son. Our family is growing.'' My dad replied.

I saw Ally flinch at the words my dad just said. But quickly recovers with a fake smile.

''Well we better get going see you kids tomorrow.'' Dad said and helped Alice up.

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