Chapter 32

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Caleb's POV

''Anyway I'm gonna check on my baby before the race.'' Ally said and walked away. Leaving all the boys even Blake, Eric, Simon and Phillip here.

''So how do you guys know Ally?'' Dylan asked.

''We used to race and fight against her back in Chicago a year or so back before we moved here.'' Blake explained.

''You all live together?'' Luke asked.

''Yeah, my mom take care of us, the rest of the parents died or doesn't give a fuck.'' Eric explained.

''That makes sense.'' Luke said.

''So how old are you guys?'' Simon asked.

''Well most of us is 18 or turning 18 we're in our senior year. Dean is turning 19 this year so is Zack but they are also in senior year. Dylan, Brandon, Jack and Ryder were senior's last year they're taking a gap year. Nathan is 21 and we just met him this morning actually.'' I explained.

''Oh that's cool. Wait Nathan as in-.''

''That Nathan yes, that's me.'' Nathan cut Phillip off.

''Dude we didn't even recognize you, but we weren't really looking at you.'' Simon said.

''Yeah I've noticed. Anyway it's good to see you guys too.'' Nathan smiled.

''Yeah man. Long time no see.'' Phillip said the rest nodded.

''You guys know each other?'' Ash asked.

''Yeah we all used to fight and race with Ally or against her.'' Eric said.

''Man I feel the love today.'' Ray said stepping forward.

''Ray? God man how was the army?'' Simon said doing one of that bro hugs with Ray everyone else did it too with Ray and Nathan.

''Good man. Taught me alot, except how to beat Ally of course.'' Ray smiled.

''Of course.'' They all laughed.

''Well we didn't expect to see friends from the past here today.'' Eric said.

''Yeah we didn't expect to meet old friends from Ally today either.'' Hunter said.

''I swear every where she goes she knows some one and most of the time it's a guy.'' I sighed.

''We know the feeling, she used to get greeted alot back in the day, mostly by guys the girls was glaring at her.'' Blake laughed.

''Can't imagine why.'' Ryder said and we all look back at her to see her talking to Zoey while looking at her bike with a wrench.

''Yeah we can imagine why.'' Jordon laughed.

''Uh guys we know the rest of your names but not the senoirs basically.'' Simon said.

''Right sorry, well this is the soccer team Luke, Shawn, Matt, Mason, Jason, Hunter, Vincent, Ash, Tyler, Jt and Alexander. Nick is one of Dylan's friends. Then Jarred, Jordon, Duncan, Liam and Steve is jocks at our school. But our friend group has grown alot since Ally came.'' I explained.

''Right nice to meet you.'' Blake said.

''So how old are you guys?'' Nick asked.

''Well we're all 18 turning 19 we all have chosen to take a gap year and work and so except Eric who got a scholarship for this year. Maybe go to college next year, we all got scholarships but we can take it next year.'' Blake explained.

''What you studying Eric?'' Brandon asked.

''Engineering.'' He smiled.

''That's cool. I wanna study engineering too.'' Jack smiled.

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