Chapter 68

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Zack's POV

Can I just say that wow. That was super hot but scary as hell. Ally just killed someone and didn't even flinch. She was calm even after Cathy screamed her and threatened Caleb.

While she was reading the letter out loud I was shocked to hear what Quinn said and did. Ally didn't even know you could see it in her eyes and when Gabe said he didn't want to tell Ally she was hurt and about to lose it when she composed herself when Cathy showed up and threatened Gabe.

Even after what Gabe did Ally protected him, she protected us. If I was in her position I would've let Cathy kill Gabe but not Ally. She may be badass and a bitch but she do care and she has a heart.

Driving up in their driveway we see an unknown car standing there along with Ally's bike. Alice and Chris is visiting Chris's parents for the week cause they will join Ally's grandparents and travel the world.

''Who's car is that?'' Enrico asked.

''I don't know.'' Caleb frowned.

Not even knocking we walk in only to hear people talk in the kitchen. Walking in to the kitchen Ally is standing there with Henco.

''Henco?'' Caleb asked.

''Yeah. What's up?'' He asked turning around.

''What are you doing here?'' Edward gritted out.

''He came to warn me about Cathy.'' Ally gritted out.

''How did you know what she was planning?'' Enrico asked.

''I-I well-'' He started but stopped himself.

''He slept with her and she spill her deepest darkest secrets to him while they were busy.'' Ally practically spitted out.

''It's not like that, we just-'' He began again but stopped himself.

''Right of course not. The biggest slut in London came to you crying over her dead gang leader then you comforted her and one thing led to another and you fucked, then she told you about Gabe and how she's gonna come here and kill him then run back to the gang and be the leader and be with you, and you'll live happy ever after. Except the part were I killed her.'' Ally stated calmly, but you could see the anger in her eyes.

''You killed her?'' Henco asked with wide eyes.

''Obviously. She threatened my family and wasn't going to get away with that.'' Ally rolled her eyes and started walking upstairs.

''Wow Henco and we thought you can't screw up more.'' Edward sighed shaking his head.

''It just happened and I-I came here as soon as I found out.'' Henco explained.

''Right and you slept with her Saturday night before she came here a day after Ally left heartbroken because of you.'' Caleb gritted out.

''I-I uhh, yeah.'' Henco sighed out.

''Come on boys we have to go.'' Ally said walking down the stairs in a black tight t-shirt dress that has a low v-neck and reaches mid thigh with black sheer full tights and knee high,high heeled boots.

"Coming." We answered with wide eyes.

"Thanks for stopping by Henco, you can go back to your life now." Ally said not even looking up at Henco but searching for something in her bag.

"Ally what are you looking for?" I asked moving closer.

"Ah-ha found it." She smiled holding up her red lipstick.

She smiled and hold out her phone while putting her lipstick on. Her lips look so kiss able right now. Wait what?

"Let's go." She smirks and walks out.

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