What do you See in a Guy - Part One

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Namjoon was a terrible driver. He ran into several traffic cones, and ran several red lights. Yoongi rubbed his temples, trying to deal with the younger vampire's driving, but he couldn't take it.

"Joon! You're going to kill us with your shitty driving!" yelled Yoongi.

"Pipe down, and cut the profanity, that's not how you get the guy of your dreams."

"Well... how do I get the guy?" Yoongi questioned, being new to romance.

Namjoon smiled and hummed. "What do you see in a guy?"

"I don't see fangs... I see a smile. I see a guy that makes me wanna stay for a while," said Yoongi, with a musical tone in his voice.

Namjoon jumped in with his own singing. "You see a saint... you see a man. You see a good guy that always has the need to hold your hand."

"I see the sun... even though it hurts. But this guy would never make me wanna question what it's worth."

"Tall or small?"

"I pick the latter."

"Smart or Dumb?"

"Does it really matter? As long as I'm as happy as can be!"

"I think I know what to do for my best friend!"

"You'll get me a boyfriend till the very end?"

"Yes I insist!"

"Yeah, you insist!"

"Not hit or miss!"

"We'll even kiss!"

They both sang in unison, "We'll get you the man of your dreams!"

Both vampires were out of breath by the time they reached a rest stop.

"Alright, stretch and pee. We still have five hours, we're gonna meet my brother at his apartment," said Namjoon, pulling over.

"Got it." Yoongi started heading for the rest stop door, when Namjoon grabbed his arm.

"Don't forget to feed," he said with a half-smile.

Yoongi smiled weakly, and nodded as he got out of the car.

A/N: This song is copyright and I will find you.

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