Lie Pt. 3

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Hoseok woke up to Yoongi staring directly at him. Hoseok was confused, until he saw Yoongi's eyes. They were blood red, and fixed on his neck where the two "bug bites" were.

"Who bit you?" growled Yoongi, fangs visible.

Hoseok almost shit bricks. Yoongi was giving him the deadliest glare possible right now, and he was frozen in his spot.

"W-What? Those are just bug bites—" Hoseok flinched as Yoongi started smelling his neck.

Yoongi inhaled the scent, then growled. "Jackson...that motherfucker."

Hoseok looked confused. "Yoongi, what are you talking about? Jackson's the one who healed me after dad beat me up..."

"How do you think he healed you? He bit you!" said a now fuming Yoongi.

"Yoongi, it's honestly not that big of a deal..." said Hoseok, trying to calm him down.

Yoongi hissed climbed on top of Hoseok, his breath tickling over his neck. "If it's not that big of a deal, then let me bite you."

Hoseok nodded shakily. "Alright... please be gentle."

"Yoongi does what Yoongi wants."

He sunk his fangs into the flesh, causing Hoseok to scream in pain. The pain was replaced quickly with a nice, calmer feeling as Hoseok held on to Yoongi for comfort.

Yoongi finished, then pulled his fangs out of Hoseok's neck. He gently licked the spot, and the holes closed, leaving two marks similar to Jackson's.

"Better?" questioned Hoseok. Yoongi climbed off of him, and moved to the side.

Yoongi smiled warmly. "Much. But remember....

"No one touches my Sunshine but me."


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