Lie Pt. 2

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Have you guys seen Interlude: Shadow by SUGA? That song is 🔥 .


Hoseok arrived at Tae's apartment, too tired to notice the multiple silhouettes in the window. He tiredly stumbled up the stairs, he felt drained for some reason and there were two red marks on his neck. 'Probably just bug bites' he thought to himself as he knocked on Taehyung's door.

After a few minutes, a very awake-looking Taehyung opened the door.

"Hi Hyung!" chirped Taehyung, letting Hoseok in. Hoseok eyed him weirdly, and the first thing that caught his attention was the blood-red stain on Taehyung's oddly sharp canines.

"Hey... what's that on your teeth?" questioned Hoseok. Taehyung immediately hid his teeth with his lips and mumbled a short "nothing", before leaving to the living room. Hoseok frowned in confusion, then he heard loud laughter from the living room. He walked in and was shocked at what he saw.

First, Seokjin was drunk off his ass. There were bottles of beer littered on the floor. Jin's face was flushed and he was laughing at whatever was said by anyone. His fangs were visible, reflecting the ceiling light in the room.

Second, Namjoon was wearing nothing but jogging pants and yelling at the TV, which was showing a sports game. Hoseok could see his fangs, they were stained red like Taehyung's. He noticed a large pitcher with a red liquid in it that gave off a metallic scent, but he already knew what it was.

Last, was Yoongi. He was also extremely drunk, and giggling at nothing. Hoseok could see his fangs whenever Yoongi gave the other two men a gummy smile.

Hoseok couldn't hold back his confusion anymore. "What the hell?!" He screeched.

Every head in the room turned to look at him.

"Hobiii..." slurred Yoongi, stumbling over to give Hoseok a sloppy hug and kiss. Hoseok lightly hugged him back.

Namjoon walked over, clearing his throat. "I think I'll take Seokjin to the room..." he said, awkwardly trailing off. He quickly lifted a blind-drunk Seokjin over his shoulders, and carried him to the guest room.

Hoseok looked down at Yoongi after Namjoon left. "Let's get you to bed, yeah?" Said Hoseok with a smile as he pulled Yoongi to the room that they talked in for the first time.

Hoseok helped Yoongi take off his sweaty clothes and helped him into bed, then climbed in shortly after in a t-shirt and boxers.

"Hoseokie?" said Yoongi, tiredness in his voice.


"I love you."

"I love you too," said Hoseok, before falling asleep, holding Yoongi in his arms.

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