Question/Opinion Chat from Author

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This is just a quick question but here we go:

I recently found out that some of my favorite Kpop groups have done culturally offensive things. I was wondering if anyone knew about it?

Personally it's been on my mind for a few days and I'm struggling with my conscience. My morals tell me to get away from the toxic and offensive things that the groups have done but the other side of me is saying to stay and enjoy it and look right past it...

As much as I want to look past it, I can't. It bothers me how many fans try to sweep their racist and offensive mistakes under the rug. Even if they are in Korea, and it's their culture, they should know what's offensive before broadcasting to international fans. I know someone is going to say "oh my baby didn't mean it" or "why are you bringing this up you dumb bitch" and I'm sorry for that. But I can give my opinion, and I want to know what you all think about this. Personally, I find it sad and offensive that idols have done this, and it hurts more that some idols won't admit that they're wrong. Let me know what you all think about it.


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