Blood, Sweat, Tears

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Hoseok flinched every time Jackson brought the scalpel to his head.

"Hoseok, stop moving or I won't be able to—"

"I know! Jeez, I'm scared," said Hoseok, clenching his fists. The two had been trying to come up with a solution for whatever Hyun-Ki put in his ear. The only thing he could think of was asking Jackson for help. He ran to Jackson, and explained the situation. Of course, Jackson agreed, but they were having a hard time with the whole 'I'm gonna cut your ear open' part.

Jackson sighed, and decided to make conversation. "So, why did you betray Yoongi again?" he said, bringing the scalpel closer to his ear.

Hoseok frowned at Jackson's question. "I...I'm afraid."

"Of what, your bastard of a father?"

"Yeah. If he didn't put this shit in me I would've punched him so hard—"

"But you didn't." Jackson pressed the scalpel into Hoseok's ear gently, causing said male to wince.

"I know. I-I'm a loser, I couldn't protect Yoongi. I knew my father was after him, and I played right into his hands."

"You have to go back and help them, Hoseok. Even if it means you'll die. That's what love is. Risking your life for the ones you care about," said Jackson as he carefully cut out the wires. He pulled one out, leaving one more to go.

Hoseok clenched his jaw at the pain.
"You're right. I need to get over there and do something."

"Mhm," said Jackson, only half paying attention now. He pulled out the second wire carefully. The bracelet that Hyun-Ki had placed on Hoseok's wrist long ago stopped glowing.

Hoseok looked at his wrist, confused. "So that's what that was for..." He reached to his ear and gently pulled off the earring, wincing as he did so. He wiped the blood off of his hand on his pants, and took the bracelet off.

"We have to go back," said Jackson as he bandaged Hoseok's ear.

"I know. Come with me, Jackson. Please," said Hoseok, sounding almost desperate.

Jackson sighed and put down the roll of bandages. "Fine. Let's go before anything bad happens."

A fight had broke out.

When Hyun-Ki aimed at Yoongi, Namjoon snapped. He threw his guard over his back and into the guard that was holding Yoongi back.
Seokjin took the moment to break free, and so did Taehyung. Jungkook and Jimin both forced themselves out of the guards grips while they were stunned. Bullets flew everywhere, and guards were being thrown from side to side.

Taehyung and Jungkook were back to back, fighting off guards along with Jimin who tried his best to disable them. The fighting duo was caught off buy one guard with a flail, and separated.

Taehyung had his back to the flail guard as he fought off the other few guards. His main goal was to protect Yoongi and his brother.

The guard with the flail was more intelligent than he had anticipated, and charged Taehyung. He swung the spiked flail with all of his might at Taehyung's back and—


Many things went through Taehyung's mind at that moment. He heard the sound but didn't feel the pain. He noticed everyone in the room was looking in his direction with shock, even Hyun-Ki. He turned around and his non-beating heart dropped to his ass.

There was Jimin, with a mace sticking in his stomach. His eyes were wide and his face was frozen in shock, as if someone pressed a pause button. Blood spread across his stomach area like sweat. Jimin shakily and weakly pulled the mace out of his stomach, causing it to bleed more.

"Jimin!" said a voice, but it sounded more like a strangled cry. Jungkook ran over to him and supported his weight, trying not to make him bleed more. Jimin let out a weak sound as he let Jungkook entirely support his weight.

Namjoon rushed over to the scene. He quickly assessed the situation
and picked up Jimin, bridal style. 'I
don't have much time...' he thought to himself.

"Jungkook, come with me. We need to heal Jimin," said Namjoon. Jungkook nodded, and followed him through an opening in the fire.

The guard with the flail looked to Taehyung. He shrugged, and swung his weapon at the vampire. Taehyung caught it, not caring that it was dipped in holy water, and broke it with his bare hands.

"W-what are you..." said the guard as he backed up in fear.

Taehyung laughed humorlessly. His previously retracted fangs slid to their full length. He picked up the vampire by his neck and hissed in his ear:

"I'm your worst nightmare."

I gotta put angst in there somewhere—

——————————————————-I gotta put angst in there somewhere—

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The flail btw^^^^^^

Quarantine is really depressing.

How are you guys?


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