Captured Pt. 3

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To start, I have a bunch of announcements (sorry)

I will be updating more often (or at least trying to) because I have the next week of school off (Coronavirus)!

Also, this story has maybe 7-9 chapters left, depends on how I want to do this.

Please check out my story Teaching's Just a Side Gig because I will be trying to update that more often too

Also I'm writing a VHope story and I hope to publish the first chapter of that soon!

Thank you all for your support!

Now let's get it with the chapter!


That's the only thing Yoongi saw before his eyelids fluttered open and were met with four other pairs of eyes belonging to Hoseok, Taehyung, Namjoon, and Seokjin.

Yoongi groaned and sat up slowly. "Where the hell are we?"

Hoseok met his gaze with a worried look. "My dad's holding cell."

Namjoon chuckled humorlessly. "Great. Just fucking great!" he said, and punched the metal, only to hiss and stumble back. His knuckles were red and blistered where he made contact with the metal.

"Careful!" said Hoseok, standing quickly and going to examine Namjoon's hand. Hoseok cursed under his breath, recognizing the metal almost immediately.

"Metal of the blest," he said, looking at Namjoon. "That shit's been prayed over and dipped in holy water multiple times. Since vampires are unholy—"

"—It burns us." said Seokjin, putting two and two together. Hoseok nodded sourly, and looked at the four vampires.

"I'm really sorry," said Hoseok with gritted teeth. "If I had just stood up to my fucking father, this wouldn't have happened..."

Yoongi took Hoseok's warm hand in his own cold pale one and smiled weakly. "Sunshine, don't worry about it. We'll get out of here, even if it kills us."

Namjoon grumbled, "And how do you plan on getting us out? We can't touch the bars or walls and Hoseok doesn't have a key!"

"I have a plan." All heads in the cell turned towards the deep, sultry voice in the room that had been silent this entire time.

"What is it, Taehyung?" questioned Seokjin.

"Remember my ability?" asked Taehyung as he stood.

Namjoon went over to him with a small smile. "Of course. You could communicate through dreams."

Taehyung's ability was extremely rare and had never been seen before. It was like a form of telepathy, but he could only communicate to other's minds while he slept. It seemed useless to Taehyung, but now, he could actually use it for something important.

"Okay, but don't you need to be asleep? You're wide awake!" exclaimed Yoongi.

"Chill, hyung. I can fall asleep faster than you," said Taehyung as he laid on the ground on his stomach.

"Yeah right—" said Yoongi, but he was cut off by Taehyung's quiet snores.

We love a good cliffhanger ;)

I'm in a great mood, I might even do a double update :D

How are y'all?

Stay beautiful! And drink water!


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