Escape Pt. 2

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I want to start off with saying happy birthday Jonghyun, we miss you and hope you're resting easy ❤️

I want to start off with saying happy birthday Jonghyun, we miss you and hope you're resting easy ❤️

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(Dammit Im crying)

Also, this is most likely gonna be a long chapter. That's pretty much all I have to say, enjoy!

Hoseok paced around in Hyun-Ki's office. He was sent there after serving his purpose: lead Min Yoongi to him. Hoseok didn't want to do it. He genuinely loved Yoongi with all of his heart. But his fear got the best of him, and he made a traitorous decision.

Hoseok fidgeted with the fake piercing in his ear. 'If I pull this out... he won't have power over me anymore...' thought Hoseok to himself. He tugged harshly on the earring, only to find that it wouldn't come out. Hoseok grumbled and snatched the lamp off of Hyun-Ki's desk. He walked over to a long mirror and held the lamp up to his ear, only to find that there was a wire running through it.

'What the fuck..' he thought to himself. 'Hyun-Ki must've wired me or something after he beat me up. But how come I didn't notice it?'

Hoseok shook his head and put the lamp on the ground. He knew he had to get that thing out of his ear so Hyun-Ki couldn't threaten him anymore.

And he knew the perfect person to do it.

Yoongi was utterly pissed. The situation looked bleak. Youngjae, Jang-mi, Namjoon, Seokjin, Taehyung, and Yoongi himself all were being held at gun point. Jimin and Jungkook were being restrained by two burly guards.

Yoongi tried to map out the scenario in his head. If Namjoon moved first, he could attack all of the guards at once. Namjoon had regeneration and healing abilities, so the gunshots wouldn't affect him much. All of the vampires were likely to survive the bullets, even if they were laced in holy water, but the humans would be killed quickly.

Yoongi's thoughts were interrupted by heavy footsteps, coming from none other than Jung Hyun-Ki. 

"How wonderful. The crown prince and a lord, brought right into my waiting hands," said Hyun-Ki, looking at Yoongi and Namjoon.

Namjoon growled angrily, only to get hit harshly on the head with a gun barrel. He winced, causing Seokjin to reach for him, only to get yanked back harshly.

Hyun-Ki smirked at them, and turned to look at Yoongi.

"Wonderful. I can have my revenge," said Hyun-Ki.

"Revenge? What the hell are you talking about?!" asked Yoongi. "I've never seen you up until this point, so you're just spewing a bunch of bull shit!"

"Hyun-Ki, don't tell him! He's not ready to know the truth," said Youngjae with clenched teeth.

Hyun-Ki snapped his head in Youngjae's direction. "You.... you were there when she was...murdered...." growled Hyun-Ki.

Yoongi looked at Youngjae with confusion. "What is he talking about?"

"Why don't you tell him, Choi?" said Hyun-Ki, looking like a giddy child.

Youngjae sighed and looked at Yoongi. "Your parents murdered countless humans, Yoongi..."


Min Jung-Bin and Min Ha-Yoon looked at the corpses around them and smiled maliciously. They had slain yet another community of worthless humans in their thousand years on Earth. They were in a suburban part of the outskirts of Ilsan, and they had killed off that section of houses.

Ha-Yoon looked around, and noticed one house that they missed. She walked inside, and saw a man and a woman with a tightly swaddled baby in her arms. Ha-Yoon smirked and approached the couple quickly.

Without thinking, the woman shoved the baby into the arms of the man and stood in front of him.

"Don't hurt much baby, please...." begged the woman.

Ha-Yoon smirked, and looked the young mother up and down. "What's your name?"

"N-Naeyon. Jung Naeyon," said the woman.

"Hm. I'll try to remember that," said Ha-Yoon as she ripped Naeyon's throat out forcefully.

The man in the other room gasped and let out a strangled cry. He held the baby tightly in his arms and tried to stop it's cries. He had to think fast, or him and his child would become Ha-Yoon's next meal. The man grabbed a silver fork from his kitchen and quickly stabbed Ha-Yoon in her heart. He backed away, shaking and dropped the fork.

Ha-Yoon let out a strangled cry as her skin started to turn grey, and she burst into a pile of ash. The man shook and held his crying baby as he cried silently, mourning his wife. He fell to his knees and cried. He failed to notice that he had been joined by a second presence in the room.

A very polished looking vampire towered over him. "You killed my queen," said the man. "What is your name?"

"I...I am Jung Hyun-Ki."

The vampire looked down at him. "My name is Choi Youngjae. I should kill you for this...alas, I have a heart." He gently placed a finger on the baby's head and it glowed a pale shade of yellow.

"Your child will not remember these events. I'm...sorry for your loss," said the vampire as he walked out of the house, leaving Hyun-Ki to grieve.

Youngjae walked over to Ha-Yoon's husband, Jung-Bin. "Your majesty... her highness is dead. She was stabbed with a silver object by a man. He..." Youngjae paused to think of a lie. "...He killed himself shortly after."

Jung-Bin let out a strangled cry. He fell to his knees, like someone had punched him. "Ha-Yoon..." he said weakly.

After that, nothing was the same.

One night, at dinner, Jung-Bin poisoned himself with a mixture of holy water and silver flakes. He died shortly after. He couldn't handle the pain of losing his wife, and he couldn't handle the larger pain of telling his two children, Yoongi and Jang-mi, the truth.

-End Flashback-

"That's why. That's the reason, the entire beginning to this mess," said Youngjae, staring at the ground.

Yoongi was baffled. He bit his lip, and glared at Hyun-Ki.

"How touching," spat Hyun-Ki. He glared back at Min Yoongi with a burning hatred before grinning madly.

"Y'know, your highness... I think I'll kill you first."

Hoseok barged into Jackson's infirmary ward, out of breath. Jackson's head snapped in his direction.

"Hoseok, is everything alr—" Jackson was cut off by Hoseok grabbing a scalpel and shoving it in his hands.

"Get this technological shit out of my ear. Make it quick, because if we don't hurry my friends may never see the outside world again."


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