What do you See in a Guy - Part Three

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If Namjoon's driving was bad before, it was horrible now. He was nervously speeding down the highway, hoping not to attract policemen.

Yoongi however, was looking out the window, disgusted with himself. He sang quietly, "I see a guy that can put up with my mistakes."

Namjoon heard him, and joined quietly. "No matter how many you always seem to make."

"I see a guy who accepts me as is."

"Your guy won't put up with this."

"I know, but I don't care, he'll love me anyway, he'll say to leave, though he wants me to stay..."

"Cause that's the guy of your dreams."


Namjoon and Yoongi pulled into a parking lot at about 3 am. Yoongi got out of the car and stared at the apartment.

"Damn... This is swanky for a human apartment."

"It's not human, this is where my brother lives. It's a vampire complex, come on," said Namjoon, motioning for Yoongi to follow.

The two vampires knocked on a door that said 1230. After a few minutes of shuffling and banging, someone opened the door. It was Namjoon's younger brother, Taehyung.

"I ordered that pizza hours ago... oh, hey Joon, and Yoongi..." said Taehyung groggily.

Yoongi rolled his eyes and punched Tae in the shoulder, earning a look of disapproval from Namjoon.

"Ow! Okay, I'm awake now!" Tae helped them inside. "Do you guys want anything? Water, or blood, or something?"

Yoongi snapped. "What the hell, Tae?! You knew we were coming, why didn't you let us in?! And your a goddamn vampire, you only sleep during the day!"

Tae whimpered and lowered his head. "I-I'm Sorry..."

Yoongi was about to retort, but Namjoon grabbed his shoulder.

"Chill, he's used to sleeping at night. He's undercover, remember?" said Namjoon, like a cautious parent.

"...Right. Anyway, can we crash here?" asked Yoongi.

"Sure. Seokjin will be here in the morning," said Taehyung, pausing to see Namjoon's reaction, which was a blush and a swoon, "And we can lay out a plan or something."

"Yes, our evil plan! Mwahahaha!" said Yoongi with a fake super villain tone, earning a small laugh from the Kims.

"Alright, I'm gonna crash, later Yoongi." Namjoon walked off to Tae's room, and Tae followed, bickering with him.

Yoongi hummed, and went off to Taehyung's guest room, and he laid there on the bed, imagining the perfect guy.

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