What do you See in a Guy - Part Two

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Yoongi walked into the crappy bathroom, and sniffed the stale air. He wrinkled his nose, and hurried with his business.

He wa zipping up his pants when a tall trucker walked in. Yoongi turned to wash his hands, when the trucker whistled at him.

His voice was gruff and manly. "Hey pretty boy, where you from?" Yoongi looked up, then hurried with his hand washing. He was going to get a paper towel, and the trucker slid in front of him.

"What's with the shade? We just met, and I'm not quite finished," said the trucker with a smirk. "I'm Min-Seo."

"That's nice. Move so I can dry my hands, please," said Yoongi.

Min-Seo only laughed, and grabbed Yoongi's chin and lifted it. "You're gonna regret that."

"No, you are." Yoongi swiftly punched his nose, sending Min-Seo reeling. Min-Seo growled, and punched Yoongi's nose so hard it made a small crack.

Yoongi looked shocked, then laughed. He grabbed Min-Seo's neck, and twisted it to the point there was a loud snap. Min-Seo's face went blank as he crumpled to the ground.

Yoongi was still laughing then he realized what he had done.

"Oh. Shit."

Yoongi looked around nervously, then dragged the corpse to Namjoon's car.

"What the hell Yoongi! I said use the bathroom, not murder an innocent!" yelled Namjoon as he helped load the corpse in the trunk.

"Just get in the car and drive Joon, before the cops come!" Yelled Yoongi as he got in the car.

"Sometimes, I question your morals, Min Yoongi," said Namjoon as he drove off with Yoongi and the corpse of Min-Seo.

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