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After saying goodbye to Jimin and Jungkook, the vampires plus Hoseok went back to Tae's apartment.

In the car, Yoongi had grown tired from the unusual excitement of human interaction, and was asleep on Hoseok's lap. Hoseok played with his hair, and smiled at the sleeping boy on his lap. Namjoon and Jin were chatting quietly in the front, which mostly consisted of bickering, apologizing, and heavy flirting. Tae was staring out the window, But was secretly watching Hoseok and Yoongi.

"He loves you," said Jin from the front. He was looking in the mirror, directly at Hoseok.

Hoseok blushed. "O-Oh. Well I feel the same way, actually," he said with a small smile.

Namjoon chuckled. "Good." he turned around in his seat, his dimples no longer showing. He growled slightly and his eyes turned red.

"If you ever hurt Yoongi in any way... I will not hesitate to murder you."

Hoseok froze in his seat. So many questions came to his mind, and why Namjoon's eyes were red was one of the biggest.

"Y-Yeah. No problemo."

"Good," said Namjoon, and he turned back around like he didn't just threaten murder.

Little did they know, Yoongi was awake, eavesdropping, and blushing.

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