Saved Pt. 3

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The two vampires, Jungkook, and Jimin all landed on top of Hyun-Ki's facility. Jimin stumbled upon landing, and exhaled.

"That is it! I'm never letting you snatch me in the air ever again!" exclaimed Jimin, pointing angrily at Youngjae.

"Oh, really? It's too bad, it's fun to hear you scream like a baby," said Youngjae with an amused grin on his face.

"Can you two stop arguing?" said Jang-mi with an annoyed expression on her face as she dusted her skirt off.

Jungkook watched Jang-mi with a fascinated expression. Jang-mi was unlike most girls. Sure, she had dark hair and dark eyes like most people in Seoul but she was...different. She gave off a different vibe. Jungkook couldn't quite put his finger on why she was different, but he liked it.

Jungkook blinks and snaps back to reality. "Jang-mi's right. We need a plan," he said, smiling at Jang-mi.

"Right. Since we're vampires, we should enter first through the vents, and attack the nearest guards," said Youngjae.

"Good idea, they're bound to have keys," said Jimin, earning a nod from Jang-mi.

"After Youngjae and I attack them, the two of you can take the keys and go find my brother and the others," said Jang-mi.

Everyone nodded in agreement and advanced towards the rooftop door. Youngjae reached out to grab the door handle, but the minute his hand touched it, it started to sizzle.

"Fuck!" screamed Youngjae, pulling his hand back instantly.

"Are you okay?" questioned Jang-mi, rushing over to him. She took his hand and examined it, and was horrified. The flesh on his palm looked like it had been melted off.

Youngjae concentrated and healed his hand to the best of his ability. "It's holy.... I didn't know they still made that..." said Youngjae, frowning at the door handle.

Jang-mi looked from the handle to Jimin and Jungkook. "You two are gonna have to do most of the door opening and we'll attack them."

Jungkook nodded, and opened the door carefully. He made sure the coast was clear, and motioned for the others to follow behind him.

The group looked around the hallway in the building. The hallway was dingy and dark, only being illuminated by a single bulb. It was pretty obvious that no one went on this floor a lot.

Almost as if on command, Jang-mi and Youngjae perked up at the same time. Jimin and Jungkook were confused, but they heard footsteps and pressed themselves against the wall, allowing the guards to pass.

"Those vampires are feisty as hell, I think the short one bit me!"

"Quit whining dude, you're acting like he was that much of a threat," said the other guard with a laugh.

The two vampires nodded, then jumped out at the duo of guards.

"Yah! What the fu—"


Youngjae snapped the guards neck and searched him for his keys, while Jang-mi was beating the other one with her bare fists.

"Take that you chubby bastard!" yelled Jang-mi as she finally hit a pressure point, causing the guard to fall unconscious. She picked him up and easily shook him as if he was a rag doll, causing a ring of keys to fall out.  "Found it!" said Jang-mi triumphantly.

Jungkook and Jimin stared at her and Youngjae, their eyes wide as saucers. They just witnessed a murder, and it wasn't the best thing to look at.

Jimin turned around and started dry heaving on the concrete floor, falling to his knees. Jungkook kneeled down and rubbed circles on his back, causing Jimin to vomit.

Youngjae grimaced at the puddle on the floor. "Really? You couldn't hold that a little longer?"

Jimin turned around and glared at him. "You fuckhead, I just watched you snap someone's neck in less than three seconds!"

Jang-mi stepped between the two of them. "We don't have time, I can hear more footsteps which means one of them likely called reinforcements while we attacked." She handed the key ring to Jungkook. "Go, don't worry about us."

Jungkook nodded and looked her in the eyes. "Be safe," he said and took off, Jimin running slightly behind him.

The four vampires and Hoseok sat in a circle in their cell.

"Do you think it worked?" questioned Hoseok as he looked at Taehyung.

"Jimin heard my message," he said with a yawn. "He's coming."

"We have no way of knowing that!" exclaimed Yoongi.

"I do."

All of the heads in the room turned towards the person who spoke: Seokjin.

"Are you having a vision?" questioned Namjoon, taking Seokjin's hand in his own. Seokjin nodded.

"They'll be here in three... two... on—"

The door to the cell swung open, revealing Jungkook with a set of keys and a panting Jimin behind him.

Everyone in the cell stood almost instantaneously. Jungkook smiled at the group, and swung the ring of keys around on his finger.

"Need a rescue?"

Ahhh I'm sorry this took so long to write and publish

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Stay beautiful and hydrated!


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