Uncalled For - Pt. 2

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The sound of the doorbell echoed through Taehyung's apartment. Taehyung, Namjoon, and Seokjin were busy cooking and arguing when it rang.

"I'll get it, so I can get away from you lovey-dovey weirdos..." muttered Taehyung as he went to the door and pulled it wide open.

He was extremely confused as to why two men wearing all black and holding up phones were standing at his door.

"....Can I help you?" Questioned Taehyung. The two men didn't hear them, as they were busy arguing about GPS.

One of the men punched the other, and cleared his throat. He cracked a smile and extended his hand. "Good evening, I am Mark Lee from Jung Corporations, and this is my partner Kai. I was sent to pick up his son, Jung Hoseok, from the residence."

Taehyung frowned and shared a suspicious glance with Namjoon and Seokjin. "...How did you know he was here?"

'Shit, shit, shit'  Is what ran through Mark's head at that. He didn't know how to explain he'd been tracking Hoseok all over the city for a delusional man who payed him a shitload of money to catch something that didn't exist.

Luckily, Hoseok came running down the stairs, Yoongi not far behind.

Hoseok looked nervous and panicky, while Yoongi had a deep frown etched on his face.

"Seok, what the hell is going on?" questioned Yoongi, and everyone's head turned to Hoseok.

"I...uh..." Hoseok stammered, then quickly kissed Yoongi on the cheek. It stunned him enough to walk out of the door, Mark and Kai smirking.

Yoongi blinked, then glared at Mark and Kai. "Who the hell are you, and what the hell is going on?!"

Mark smirked. "Doesn't matter, kitty boy," he said, and walked out, Kai trailing behind, as he slammed the door.

"Yah! What the hell was that? Yoongi, you probably scared him off!" said Namjoon as he crossed his arms.

"Why the fuck would I do that?!" screamed Yoongi. He lunged at Namjoon, until Tae stepped between the and grabbed Yoongi by his wrists.

"No fighting in my apartment!" boomed Taehyung, which seemed to get everyone's attention.

Seokjin stood and looked at everyone with a slight frown. "Now that you two children are done bickering, let's figure this out."

Yoongi frowned. "He seemed... scared? Like not of me, but of someone else. The guy who was on the phone with Hoseok was yelling at him."

Namjoon sighed. "Well those two weirdos at the door said something about his father, Mr. Jung?"

"Yeah, but who's Mr. Jung?" questioned Taehyung.

Yoongi frowned. That seemed so familiar to him, he had no idea why. 'Mr. Jung...' thought Yoongi to himself as he tapped his foot and stared at the floor.

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