Kim Conundrum

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Hours later, Yoongi and Hoseok we're chatting like old friends. Yoongi has warmed up to him, and they discovered they had a lot in common.

"Oh shit, it's 7:00! My dads gonna freak! I'll catch up with you later, Yoongs!" Hoseok got up, and ran out of the apartment.

Yoongi went back into the common room, and Tae had finally came back.

"Hey Tae, how was the interview?" questioned Yoongi.

Tae sputtered. "Screw the interview, what happened in there?!"

Namjoon and Seokjin peeked their heads out from their room.

"They're finally done?" said Seokjin.

"Give me all the details, Yoonie!"

"Joon, don't make him uncomfortable!"

"I'm not, Jinnie! Did you give Tae all the details?! Why not me?!"

"No, Yoongi just came in!"

"GUYS!" yelled Yoongi. The bickering Kim boys turned to look at him. Yoongi looked at the floor. "It was fine. We got to know each other."

"We know, the walls are thin, Yoongs! But when is the first date?" said Namjoon with a smirk.

"I-It's not like that, we're just friends and we exchanged numbers," said Yoongi with a slight blush.

"Aww, they already exchanged numbers!" gushed Taehyung.

"See, there will be a first date! No one fools this 148 IQ!"

"Except when I asked if you were a virgin, you were so nervous you broke my chair..." muttered Seokjin.

"Speaking of that," said Tae, "Bet 10 bucks he's getting laid after the first date!"

"If there's a date, which there's not!" yelled Yoongi, silencing everyone.

"Jeez, Sorry Yoongi!" said Namjoon with a huff, and Jin put a comforting hand on his shoulder.

"How about we go into the city, we could go shopping?" said Seokjin.

"Sure," muttered Yoongi as he went to change clothes, leaving 3 bickering Kim boys behind.

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