Flu strikes - Narry (LT+LP)

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I woke up to someone pulling my arm and the sounds of sobs which were being muffled.

I Instantly knew that it was Louis as 1) he was to small to reach my shoulder to shake and 2) the sobs were being muffled by his dummy.

I turned around and saw my 2 year old staring up at me with tears glittering in his eyes while other tears were falling.

We had only just got Louis a big boy bed after he learnt how to climb out of his crib, which nearly gave me and Niall a heart attack, so he must be using his new sense of freedom to come and get us.

'What's the matter Lou Lou?'

All he did was reach up for me which I gladly picked him up and placed him on my chest. He soon snuggled into me and his cries started to soften.

'Did you just want some company?' I asked while playing with his soft feathery hair.

He nodded his head and fell back asleep. I contemplated taking him back to his room but all hell would break lose if he woke up somewhere different than where he fell asleep.

We only did this once and never made the same mistake again. He was so upset he physically cried himself sick! We think it's due to his past but we're not 100% sure exactly what happened.

We have only had Louis with us for about 6 months and except from having the odd nightmare he has been settling in great. Are eldest Liam who is 5 adores him and Louis adores his older brother. We were worried that Liam would get jealous as he would no longer have us to himself after 3 years, but we weren't to worry as Liam has taking a very caring role towards Louis.

I pulled the duvet over me and Louis and I could hear as he breathed that he sounded congested and he also felt a bit warm against my bare chest, but I just put it down to the fact that he's been crying and fell asleep.

The next morning I awoke to the alarm going off and Louis shifting in his sleep while trying to find a more comfortable position.

I gently rubbed his back in hopes that he will settle back down but when I was rubbing his back I could feel heat coming from him even through his shirt.

I gently lifted his shirt so it wouldn't wake him and placed my hand on his bare skin. He was defiantly warm in my opinion, to warm at that. Just then Niall started to move about.

'Morning love'

'Morning Ni.'

'How long has he been in here?'

'I'm not sure exactly what time he came in here but he was crying and looking for cuddles.'

'Aw bless!'

He started to get up but I quickly stopped him.

'Hang on before you get up does Louis feel warm to you?'

'What do you mean?'

'I think he might have a temperature.'

Niall placed his hand also on Louis' back  as he couldn't reach Louis' forehead due to his face being stuffed into my chest, and agreed that he was warmer than normal.

He got up out of bed and came round to my side and started to gently coax Louis out of sleep.

'Lou Lou can you wake up for papa?'

He slowly opened his eyes and tears soon began to fall as he reached for his papa.

'Your okay baby, do you feel icky?'

He nodded his head and let out a small round of coughs before his nose started to run. He was also starting to shake so I went and got a blanket that he could be wrapped in to keep warm.

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