Bus crash nightmare - Lilo (NH)

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Request for: _ignight_
This request is a bit different and I haven't wrote anything like this before but I liked the request so here it is. I hope you enjoy it.

Niall didn't normally catch the bus home from school as either his dad or papa would pick him up, sometimes even his older brother but today his parents were working late and his brother was going somewhere before he got home. By the time he got home though everyone else should be home as well.

Niall didn't mind the thought of having to catch the bus if anything he was actually quite looking forward to it as a lot of his friends did and they always say it's fun but Niall's parents had never let him. But this was his chance and he wasn't going to turn it down.

As he walked out of his class he followed his friends to the bus stop and climbed on sitting next to his best friend.
"I'm so glad your getting the bus today Ni." Adam said with a smile and Niall smiled back.
"Yeah I've always wanted to but my parents have never let me before." Niall said and the pair chatted for a while as the bus drove off.

It was around 15 minutes later when Niall started to get bored. Adam had already got off a couple of stops back and he was hungry. Niall started to recognise things as they approached the bus stop He had to get off at and just as he pressed the bell there was a loud crash and Niall was thrown forward from the force. Niall didn't have a clue what had happened all he knew was his face hurt from whacking it against the seat in front and the bus was no longer moving.

Niall slowly stood up and when he looked around he saw a lot of kids on the floor and a couple were crying quietly but other than that it was strangely quiet and Niall really didn't like it. He carefully got up and soon became extremely aware of his surroundings and came to the conclusion that he had been extremely lucky. He may only be 8 years old but Niall was pretty sure that if your bleeding badly and not breathing then it's defiantly not a good thing.

Niall could see some older students beginning to get up and they looked as if they would be from the secondary school and they were looking around before one of them noticed Niall and went over to him figuring the boy would have been pretty scared.

"Hey kid, I'm Dylan what's your name?"

"N-Niall." Niall stuttered never good around older kids.

"Alright are you hurt anywhere?"

"My face hurts." Niall whimpered the situation he was in starting to become to much and the boy just wanted his parents.

"Alright lets get you off of here then yeah." Niall nodded and the boy lifted him out of his seat earning a surprised gasp from Niall.

"Hey it's alright I've got you." Niall nodded and hid his face as he was carried off the bus not wanting to see what he was going past.

"Where do you live bud?" Dylan asked as some of his friends were helping other kids off.

Niall looked up and looked around before recognising his street and pointing it out before telling Dylan the number before Dylan headed that way with Niall clinging onto him.

"You Okay?" Dylan asked as he heard Niall whimper and Niall went to nod but it turned into a shake of the head so Dylan picked up the pace figuring Niall wanted his parents and to be honest so did he as he was pretty shaken up himself.

When Dylan arrived at the house Niall told him was correct he knocked and waited for someone to answer. However nobody did and that sent Niall to tears.

"Hey, Your Okay." Dylan whispered sitting down on the doorstep and situating Niall on his lap and rubbing his back. Dylan had a Younger brother himself so knew what to do when they got upset and needed comfort. Niall sobbed and sobbed just wanting his parents as the memories of what happened and the sights of kids not moving came into his mind and he clung onto Dylan not caring if he hadn't known him for very long at all.

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